Saturday, July 31, 2021

Caturday 30: Life is Good

It has been two months since we checked in on the old girl on a Caturday, but I must tell you of the latest, little discovery.

She is now eating cat food, loving it, and sleeping sleeps of contentment.

Wet food, I mean. Canned food.

When she first came to live with us, we were concerned that she wouldn't eat canned cat food. Sue called the rescue centre to discover what they had been feeding her.

They had the same experience. She only ate dry food.

But we were told by a cat person that a diet of only dry food could be problematic for the kidneys.

We resorted to light human tuna as a supplement to her mostly dry diet. She loved it but mainly the juice, and as time went on, she ate less and less of the actual tuna to the point where I was trashing so much tuna that I was willing to give up.

Then I thought that maybe she simply didn't like chewing (go figure), and so I purchased a can of liver pâté.

Miracle of miracles, she cleaned the plate.

She continues to do this if it s straight liver or liver with fish such as whitefish, tuna or salmon.

But not if it is chicken or turkey with liver. No no no.

She loves her pâté, and life is good. So very good.


  1. She has very exacting standards that must be maintained.

  2. She is such a beauty!

  3. Such is the peculiar tastes of felines, and I almost said females! Well, this female doesn't like any of those things Lacey is eating, so that's doesn't hold. I do like her very individual eyebrow droop, which I think must be a wink in her own way!

  4. Oh good, oh good.

  5. Cats are such fussy eaters. Glad she love the pate.

  6. Cats can be so particular! LOL! ;)

  7. That sounds like a fussy cat!

  8. That is so great that you kept trying and finally found the answer. I have at least 2 Cat people with eating problems and who will love to hear that.

  9. She trained you carefully and well.

  10. You've been very good to your kitty! My grandcats love me because I bring them Tuna Pops! I save any tuna water from my own cooking, into a jar for the freezer. When I've collected enough, I thaw it add the same amount of water. Then I use a turkey baster to place the 1:1 tuna water into "tuna only" plastic ice cube trays. When they're frozen, I pop them out and store them in the freezer in two zip lock baggies. I take them to my son and DIL's freezer, but the kitties know when Granny comes over, they get treats! My son is a vet, so he approves of them, and even got special little bowls for the Tuna Pops. They love to lick on them and come back to get the tuna water as it melts. Wouldn't substitute for the wet food that they need, but it's just a treat. Linda in Kansas

  11. We've the same thing. Daisy never liked wet food, if you recall. She'd try cover it up as if it were poopies!
    She always drank a lot of water, so I never worried.
    We've been having problems with the stuff with gravy. They suck up the gravy, and leave the meat. cats...

  12. Such a finicky girl, but so beautiful!

  13. Glad to hear she's finally got you trained. :-)

  14. Now that is a very contented cat.

  15. ugh, I have one like that too, Your girl doesn't look like she is starving thats for sure

  16. She’s a spoiled puss for sure. Lucky too.
