Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Golden Light plus Another Sale

Yesterday, whilst I was awaiting the paddlers and also after they went by, I took some photos in the park. It was golden hour after all, so I thought it was worth come clicks. I just show a lot of photos, and I know that most are not print-worthy, but I like them anyway for what they are, such as the recollection of a nice early morning in the park. 


So . . . while I was preparing the above for your delectation, Sue dropped into the den to tell me that I had sold two more winter photos, which will surely leave my café display rather barren. The first three of that previous post had been a gift from an acquaintance of Sue's to a lady setting up a new workplace. Then, said lady decided that she could use two more. 

I hope this doesn't feel like  I am bragging, for I am just writing about things that transpire in my life. As I have more or less noted previously, after the sale there's scarcely enough left over for an ice cream cone once I have covered expenses of framing, printing, and commision.


  1. Many get to enjoy the display before the pictures are sold and that is all to the good.

  2. Congratulations on the sales, John, and enjoy the ice cream. Having formerly sold some photo cards and small framed prints, I understand about the small profit margin after all costs have been met. Still, a sale is always nice.

  3. I like the one with the grass reflecting in the water. But all your photos have a special quality that brings me a sense of peace. Who needs more than that? :-)

  4. You've captured some nice simple images which are pleasing to look at. I always have liked long shadows, where vertical lines are given a contrast.

  5. Well, good for you, my dear. A sale is a sale is a sale. Congratulations!

  6. Good for you, John....I think perhaps you need to raise your prices.

  7. Congratulations. You have the eye and talent, and it is wonderful others can see this.

  8. Another new term.... “Golden Hour”!!! I presume
    It is in the late afternoon on Sunny days when the sun is moderately low on the horizon? Please correct me if I am wrong. I love these terms, and have begun to use “blue hour” myself.


  9. They are good, else they still would be on the restaurant wall.

  10. They are beautiful AC as are the photos you took of the early morning light.

  11. But it's nice to know you're appreciated. Even if you only get a small ice cream at the end...

  12. Thank you for sharing them. I love winter scenes, and can understand why they sold! I love the third photo of the light in the trees. Magical.
