Friday, January 31, 2025

A Pretty Enough Snowfall

The comments to yesterday's post really surprised me. Apparently, 'passel' is used pretty widely in a large part of the USA. It's a small sample size, but I think eastern Canada, northeast USA, and the west coasts of both countries don't use it a lot, and as I said recently, I sure haven't heard it much, if ever, apart from Dad.


Two days ago, there wasn't a major storm, but there was enough snow to bring out the town plows and the driveway blower-people. It also stuck on the fir trees just enough to prettify the park on our walk.

Below, we had walked the path from the top of the frame to where Sue took this photo (she took all photos in this post). It might look a bit problematic for an old guy with a cane, but it was soft and wasn't difficult at all, and the aesthetics were worth any inconvenience.

While I am here, I might as well also drop two photos of our next stroll — yesterday's walk — when  we drove to the bridge trail for a bit of variety.

Sue wishes she had a red coat because her grey coat didn't stand out on this dull day in her attempt at her daily photo. After much fiddling, I was able to turn it red in Photoshop. I've done it before but not for a long time, so I had to figure out some sort of method. The trick was to turn it red but still retain the texture of the coat. I did my best.

We do a loop on the trail to take us back to the car. Sue took a photo after I had passed under the old railway bridge when I looked back to see what she was up to.


  1. Lovely fluffy white stuff. It snowed again last night, pelting down enough to white out the highway markings, but so pretty in the headlights.
    Really like that last photo, so nicely framed.

    1. I think we have missed most of that one.

  2. Tomorrow we enter February with maybe less than an inch of total snowfall for the year. I'm not sure how anyone can deny global warming is having a part.

    1. There are total deniers and then those who just think that it has nothing to do with human activity.

  3. Snow on the fir trees can make everything look so magical. Changing Sue's coat to red in the photo was a clever idea. It really makes her stand out.

    Thanks for sharing your winter adventures. Stay warm out there!

    1. It did look nice. Thanks for the visit and comment.

  4. I'm glad you had some fresh snow. We have brown. And we have blowing dirt. However your winter looks absolutely lovely! Changing the color of Sue's coat was tricky, well done!

    1. Some of the winter could be brown where we used to live in southeastern Ontario near Michigan.

  5. The first and last two pictures would make a nice triptych. Have a picture of the tree in the middle with the picture of the two of you on either side. It would be a great Christmas card.

    1. That is not a terrible idea. 👍

  6. Debby's thinking ahead there. Our snow has gone, washed away by rain.

  7. Echoing what others have said. I like the second photo of the snowy tree best, and the fuchsia reddish coat was well done! That last one is a real winner. Good capture, Sue!

  8. Very pretty scenes indeed. And I do like that red coat.

    1. Red is the best for photos like that. I have a red winter coat, but I haven't worn it a lot lately because it has been very cold, and the one in the photo is a little warmer.

  9. You walk better than I do. Congratulations. I love fresh snow. So pretty.

  10. I'm impressed that you have been getting out for so many walks.

  11. Lovely photo scenes! We have no snow. Bah.

    1. Bah, indeed. Mind you, one does weary of it eventually, but i am not there yet.

  12. Very pretty . . . but cold . . .

    1. It has been very cold for a past few weeks -- typical for January.

  13. Thought our recent snowfall covered everything in marshmallow fluff. haha

  14. Well, I'm beginning to se e that you use the snow for something other than skiing. Great photos.

    1. I use the snow for limping around in.

  15. I love the pretty snow! (especially if it's not on the roads) The coat looks great red; you did an excellent job.

  16. I can see you do take the regular walk in snow. Great idea for keeping fit and active

    1. It isn't much, but we do what we can.

  17. I envy you. It’s been too cold here to get out for a walk.

    1. We don't go long or far, and we look for somewhat sheltered places if it is windy.

  18. Mother always had a red coat. I don't particularly fancy red, but I wear a red coat, too. Mom would approve.

    1. I have a red coat, but Sue really wants one.

  19. I'm always amazed at what you can do on Photoshop. I often have to ask my brother what to do because it's so darn complicated. You sure did get a passel of snow.

  20. Well done with the red! I must go for a walk!

  21. It's Winter wonderland! And very nice photo with the red. Yes!

  22. I think I know what is on Sue's next year's Christmas list! Though maybe no longer, now that you've nailed the art of creating her own red coat with your camera!

  23. Pretty interesting how you re-colored her coat!
