Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Trail by the Arena on a Cold and Windy Day

The deep freeze is over for now, or will be shortly, as it still went down to 0F overnight. While temperatures will remain below freezing for the next few days, they are at least not down to 18C/0F. At least the wind was not strong throughout most of the cold snap. 

A few days ago, we drove to a different trail. While our trail is a bit protected, we do walk through the open park to accessit. So, we drove to the arena to access that trail. When I describe two trails, they are really part of the same trail but just different sections.

These are all Sue's shots. After numbing my fingers on that video day, I have recently been happy enough to keep my hands in my mitts.

It is a bit wider and straighter than our usual section here.

You can see the river from various spots. 

At one spot we took a little path down to the river.

Sue got closer to the section above.

It was calm along the trail, but as we got back to the parking lot, we experienced strong winds that reminded us that we had made the right choice for our walk on that day.


  1. Beautiful frost creations.

  2. I love the third picture down. Here there's ice underfoot, keeping me from walking much. But like you, hoping for milder temps soon.

    1. Yes, that is the one, plus the next shot for the detail.

  3. I'm loving all the shots, but like the second one the best. Go Sue!!!!! Sunday morning now and sunny and warming up nicely.

  4. What funny little tuffs of snow in the last couple! I've never seen that! Thanks for a different view of your water. The snow is so beautiful and I'm glad you're able to walk on it now! Keep warm!

    1. Thanks, Barb. It will getting a bit warmer, but that tends to also mean cloudier.

  5. It has been windy here so even during the polar vortex it was quite miserable out there.

  6. Those tufts of frost are so beautiful. You have such a nice place to venture out to explore.

  7. Those river close ups are amazing. Almost sci-fi! Love shadow pix, too!

  8. Thank you for the wonderful photos of your walk. I like winter - when I don't have to freeze - when you freeze, it's no fun, no fun at all.
    Today it was 8 degrees Celsius... the snow is almost gone.
    Best wishes to you both.

  9. How wonderful that you walk in that beautiful place together! Best wishes and aloha to you both

  10. It's very beautiful but still looks awfully cold to me!

  11. The cold is one thing but the wind is another element for cold…brrr…

  12. I really love the last two shots. They look wonderful

  13. What a beautiful walk! The frost/snow is so unusual looking, I love it.

  14. I love that first shot of those two hardy shadows!

  15. Nice little section of the river with clear ice and frost.

  16. Hmm, I do love the close ups the best, but I am a person who loves all the little things and the formations of ice and frost!
    Looks like it was a beautiful walk even if it was a bit chilly.

  17. Frost roses? Those are just beautiful. The second shot is like an impressionist painting.

  18. It is a lovely spot. I don't think we'll be out for a bit. My client is in hospital, and palliative. Joe's back is awful.

  19. It's rewarding when you look closely at something.
