Monday, January 20, 2025


Way back in October I posted about Sue and her afghans in the Happy Crafter. She had begun her Winter White project.

She had to set it aside after Christmas because her hand is so painful, but with only two rows to go she gritted her teeth and got on with it, and it is quite gorgeous.

She would love to try to do another. When I read Boud's blog, she talked of knitting a lap afghan. Well who, other than Boud, has heard of lap afghans?

Google to the rescue. 
A lap afghan is a smaller version of an afghan blanket that is typically used to cover the lap. Lap afghans can be made from yarn and crocheted or knitted.

Lap afghans are often square and range from 36 in x 36 in to 45 in x 45 in

A common rectangular size is 36 in x 42 in, which can cover a wheelchair user from chest to feet

Lap Afghans are indeed a real thing, and there are how to video tutorials. link

It remains to be seen if Sue can find a tutorial to her liking and also whether her affliction can deal with even a reduced project. But she does really want to do something.

Update: Sue has found a scarf pattern by her favourite YT creator, and she has decided to give it a go.


  1. Thanks for the shout-out. It's a lapghan. Just a small version of an afghan, better for wheelchair users, stroller, wrapping a baby etc.

    1. I knew there was a catchier abbreviation.

  2. Little projects are easy to manage and equally appreciated.

    1. Hopefully, it will work out. For now, she's practising on wool that she has on hand.

  3. I hope that Sue is able to do some kind of project.

    1. She really likes doing, so fingers crossed.

  4. I think a lapghan would be much more practical. I have a retirement afghan and it's actually too big for what I need it for. MY LAP in the recliner! I'm sorry about Sue's hand. Is there any treatment for it?

    1. We shall see. I can’t get her to go to the doctor.

  5. Beautiful work on that afghan! Gorgeous! The lap ones are quite nice. Our daughter did us some.

    1. All of her work is quite wonderful.

  6. What did I miss? What did Sue do to her hand?

    But yes. That afghan is gorgeous.

    1. It’s an ongoing situation that has gotten worse. There has been no specific injury.

  7. That is a pretty white white afghan. Linda in Kansas

    1. It sure is striking on the chair in the living room.

  8. Oh my goodness but that is beautiful. May the hand improve enough for any project, large or small.

  9. That is a beautiful afghan! I am in the process of making a lap finger loop blanket. I prefer smaller blankets, they are easy to carry around!
    I wish I could crochet like that! Stunning!

  10. I've heard of lap afghans! I've even made them. But nothing I've ever made is so striking as Sue's winter piece. It's absolutely gorgeous and looks very complex. Wonderful!

  11. That is absolutely gorgeous! Wow. I don't knit or crochet. I used to embroider, but I have arthritis in my hands, so...I sympathize with Sue and say good for her to keep at it.

  12. That is so beautiful. It must be so satisfying to see it finished. Bravo Sue!

  13. That is quite lovely - 'quite' meaning 'exceedingly' not 'adequately.'
    Would physiotherapy help Sue's hand?

  14. Beautiful work, Sue! I can relate to the painful hand.
