Thursday, January 23, 2025



Yes, I did miss out, you twits: because you change offers on Thursday. I shopped on Thursday morning, and you sent the offers in the afternoon.

Oh well . . .

Meanwhile, shall I share Sue's composite from one of our recent walks hobbles? We were along the same trail that I recently showed in a video. It was a very cold day and this dog was dressed for the weather.

Believe it or not little guy was a long way from home, which is Madagascar. Well, not him per se, but his breed. 
The Coton de Tulear is a small, white dog breed that originated in Madagascar. They are known as the "Royal Dog of Madagascar".  (google ai)
I found the dog, his outfit, and his pedigree all delightful.


  1. He wears it well! Look at him strut.This is a dog breed I am unfamiliar with.

  2. I've only heard of him at dog shows! He's a very good boy for keeping his boots on.

  3. Love your humour. The cutie dog is fully geared

  4. With all that stuff on the dog still looks happy.

  5. What a great wardrobe that pretty pup has! We didn’t see any people walking dogs this morning. Too cold here, even with such a wardrobe.

  6. That cutie pie is ready for what ever weather is thrown at him.

  7. Pretty darn adorable!

  8. I love the dog's outfit! I never would have guessed its breed. I thought Madagascar had mostly lemurs. :) My older daughter and her husband honeymooned there, so I'll have to ask her about whether she saw dogs like that!

  9. Well togged for the weather.

  10. Those boots! How cute!

  11. Dressed to kill! Very cute.

  12. A cute composite and a nice warm dog. Hmm. May adopt this mode of dress.

  13. He's super cute! I love taking pictures of dogs while out walking for the purpose of taking pictures! I have so many cute dog photos and I've even made human friends that way! For years I exchanged Christmas cards with a couple we met at Bonaventure Cemetery in Savannah, because they were with their dog, name of Georgia. I took a picture of Georgia that turned out so well, I sent a framed copy of it to them (we had exchanged addresses). It's a fun way to make friends, whether they be human or canine! xoxo

  14. I hate those apps that you are forced to use to get savings at the store! It leaves a lot of people out--those who are not app savvy, forgot their phone, etc. And half the time the thing doesn't save on my phone when I scan it.
    Cute dog!

  15. I hate those apps that you are forced to use to get savings at the store! It leaves a lot of people out--those who are not app savvy, forgot their phone, etc. And half the time the thing doesn't save on my phone when I scan it.
    Cute dog!

  16. It's amazing even dogs are cold!
