Saturday, February 01, 2025

Caturday 74: Three Cats

These photo photos came up on my slides retrieval project of 2025.

Dusty was our first cat after we got married. She was a going concern, I tell you. For example: she liked to run under the bed upside-down and ripping the bottom of the bed in the process. She also loved picking at the bifold cupboard doors at night to gain entry into the cupboard.

Baron was a purebred Persian that joined Dusty in the household. They had a good time romping together. He was a bit of a runt who drooled when he purred.

We were then cat-less for  awhile before Dixie came into our lives after our neighbours moved away and left him behind. He once travelled to the cottage with us, but he was not interested in dealing with the abundant mice. In the photo, he's being held by a young PJ, child #2.

I wonder what other cat pics I might uncover during my slide-scanning sessions.


  1. Ah ha! The discovery of your cats of yore! So great to see some of them. Happy February!

  2. A Dixie Cat was part of our family too. She lived to be 19-1/2, the best cat ever!

  3. I've begun a post on the cats we've had. It is fun looking back.

  4. Lovely cats. It's nice to take a pleasant stroll down memory lane.

  5. Those old slides are a wonderful source of blogging fodder.

  6. They all have such different personalities. So do we!

  7. Ha, I love hearing about their personalities to go along with the photos. Orange cats always seem to have fantastic personalities.

  8. Very enjoyable reading this family history. Thank you AC Wishing you all the best this weekend. Aloha

  9. I guess you're a cat family rather than a dog family! Although we did have one rescue cat.

  10. You've had some gorgeous cats, AC. And I think they've found a good home.

  11. Running around upside down under the bed is just a cat trait! We had one who did that, and also made herself a hidey-hole in that fabric under the box spring. She'd go missing....

  12. One of our cats also has a hidey hole in the box spring. You've had some beauties!

  13. You have a long cat history, AC. Love the photos of the kids with the cats.

  14. That was a joy of my slide diving. I've always had cats, until now.

  15. Love the retrospective cat photos! They were beauties! PJ has a wonderful smile.
