Sunday, January 19, 2025

I Feel a Draft

It's funny: not as in haha but as in odd.

Fairly recently had nothing to post for two days. It is not as though I have ever intended to be a daily blogger (although I almost am), so it didn't bother me. I was uninspired.

Then the snow came, and that eventuated into 4 posts, I think it was.

Other things popped into my head, such as presenting a bit of Nick's photography, or mentioning my memory card incident, or posting about Sue's afghan. (I've yet to post the memory card blog.)

As thoughts came to me, I would draft a little post. I do mean draft. It was to sit there in the queue until I decided to publish it.

When I thought of making this post, there were already 5 posts sitting in draft mode.

Truth be told there are actually at least two more that I have already targetted for next Christmastime, believe it or not. I wrote them during Christmas season just past, but they needed to be published pre-Christmas, and I was already past that date. So, they are potentially saved until next Christmas. Whether or not they actually get posted then remains to be seen.

The queue is getting so long that I have decided to make this my second post of the day, which is not generally how I play this little blogging game. That doesn't mean that I won't again run out of topics in a few days.


  1. I also try to write my 3 x a week post the week before so I don't feel pressured. Lately though, I'm having a hard time coming up with posts because right now caregiving is taking up most of my time.

  2. I used to call that 'Bloggharrea', which means that when you don't have any ideas, you are Blogstipated.

  3. You should be so lucky! I have trouble with a post a week.

  4. I seem to have something or other to say every day, though I don't think it's important to post daily on purpose. But if I'm late posting, I get worried emails checking on me.

  5. I often have a bunch of ideas and lately since I've been stuck indoors and have to be quiet...I have more silly ideas than ever.
    I actually wrote something out yesterday and then after working on it...deleted it.
    Good subject for today.

  6. Blogging is great fun! Bring on those posts, AC.

  7. Loved what J said above...and you know, AC, that I'm verbose as they come. Did you see the "A.Word.A.Day?" (in my emails each day I subscribe to it)
    adjective: So wicked as to defy description: abominable, appalling.
    synonym of nefarious

  8. If I start getting too many drafts built up, I find myself forgetting to post on my regular scheduled days because a cursory glance makes me feel like I have plenty of material already written. So I try to keep my posts in waiting to less than a couple weeks worth.

  9. Two in a day?!?! I really liked the Nick in Red post, those photos are awesome!

  10. I usually sit down to write even when I have nothing to say, and something always comes. It may not be worth reading but I like to see where it goes once I start.

  11. I feel your pain. Funny. I have never gone a prolonged blog hiatus. Expect to see my posts M-W-F regularly.

  12. It's interesting how differently bloggers write. There have been a couple times I've scheduled posts but mostly I write off the cuff and whenever I feel like it. Whatever works is my motto!

  13. I too have some Christmas posts in draft---more histories of various carols and traditions. As I said in one post, I have so much material from my storytelling days that I don't want to lose. I don't trust any storage options but as long as blogger is around those posts should be available. I think/hope.

  14. I can't tell you how many posts I have in draft form. Some are more imminent -- the England series or current things. But there are some that go back years, things like "This seems like a good idea of I ever run out of material." Seems I never do!

  15. Writing takes time. When there is little time, it is usually distressing to come up something for a daily post. Hence, I enjoy photo a day format. Less pressure.

  16. As I was taking down the holiday decorations today (sad), I took some photos that will become a draft I post next November/December. Always thinking ahead, we bloggers.

  17. Yep, I sometime queue up several posts when I have lots to say.

  18. I have cut my blog posts to two a week, which I find manageable. I also love to see yours show up in my news feed.

  19. Prolific. Impressive. I lose my drafts into strange saving spots and find them much later when they are useless. Sigh. I guess that proves that your brain is better wired than mine, at least.

  20. Like yourself and other bloggers, I also have several draft posts even though some may only be a sentence or two of thoughts for a future posts. Years ago, posts were more frequent when my husband was also posting. Now, it’s more or less just myself, although Patrick does contribute post titles and ideas.

  21. Keeping ahead of the game is tricky, sometimes. Ideas come along infrequently or in a rush. Finding appropriate photographs can be time-consuming, though posts without are just as valid . . . or invalid.
