Tuesday, January 28, 2025

When They (and we) Were Young

You surely recall my old b&w photos (new scans) at Christmas. I didn't have all that many to deal with, but I have a big box of old slides that I have finally decided to tackle. 

That is the setup, above, but I should have shown the large box of slides too; it will be a big job. However, it is fun to look back in time, so I'll take it bit by bit.

Of course, you know that I am about to post a few of these new scans, but I promise not to drop too many on you.

We were about to take Shauna somewhere or other in the spring of '73 in our red Ford Maverick. I never did get a second red car although I would have liked to. Subsequent vehicles were light blue, brown, white, green-blue, black, and black in that order. 

I don't think that I have ever posted a photo of Sue's mom. She was a great help in the very early days with Shauna, who was a weird baby. It was Pearl who quickly realized that Shauna liked to be rocked and walked (in her carriage) furiously. I mean that we would have to bounce her like crazy. It was the talk of the neighbourhood.

The slides got a little scrambled. As you can see, Shauna is a little older here, possibly the summer of '74. I have no doubt that we were on our way to or from church.

Now, I am getting into the picture with my mother and Sha. We were visiting an art gallery somewhere in or near Toronto. Although I have said that Shauna was a weird baby, she was also as good as gold once we figured out that rocking thing, which didn't really take us too long.

This next photo was at Sue's parents' place. Shauna and I had a lot of fun. I was sitting on a big, stuffed turtle. I notice my hairy legs in this and other old photos. It’s all gone now. 

The next and final photo skips ahead to one of me with our second child, sometime in the fairly early 80s, perhaps '82 or '83. Sue's dad had a rural cottage that had a small waterfall on the property. It was fun in there with PJ, who was wearing a cap to keep her earplugs in. Poor thing had a bad time with her ears and had minor surgery to fix the problem.

All of these photos are definitely snapshots, but they capture our times and lives. Where will the next batch take us?


  1. Wonderful memories. Good for Grandma sorting out the solution!

  2. I have 1000's of slides organized in numbered reels, all catalogued. Slides were a less pricey option back then, for someone who took a lot of pictures. Have often thought of digitizing some of them. Some day, perhaps. There are a lot of memories in them, and in yours!

    1. Digitizing can be quick and easy, but results aren't always great.

  3. I hope you don't have as many slides to scan as I did. I took about ten years to work through all the slides of my parents and two sets of grandparents, scanning four at a time on my flatbed scanner (with slide scanner built in) while I was blogging or doing other things at my desktop computer. I ended up scanning everyone of them and then just saving the ones I was interested in post scanning.

    1. You have the persistence of an engineer. :)

  4. This are joyful photos. It feels good to look back, especially at happiness.

  5. It must have been great fun for you to look back at these old images.

  6. I just gotta ask: does Shauna like rowdy rock and roll music these days, after all that strong rocking as a baby? Linda in Kansas

    1. She keeps up to date with the music scene, but I don't think that would be her fave.

  7. Wonderful family shots...all full of joy! And the cars and clothes are great to remember as well.

    1. Styles have changed for sure, also the hair.

  8. Now, I wish that I had saved some of my 35mm slides, but alas all re gone during a major purge. That said, I did enjoy seeing these family images, AC.

    1. I am doing this to get rid of the slides, but they will still be difficult to part with.

  9. Blessings to you and your family! This was actually touching

  10. Lots of fun! I love happy photos.

  11. My comment disappeared. I said it looked like lots of fun. Happy times.

    1. We have both. Blogger can fool you. :)

  12. Those are wonderful memories! My older daughter's first son also needed lots of bouncing. It was hard on the back!

  13. These shots are genuine and spontaneous. Good memories

    1. Yes, I've taken a few nice photos in my life or tried to, but they don't matter in the end although they did at the time. These continue to mater.

  14. Great photos! Love the look of the 70s.

  15. Goodness, you are making me look up a scanner for slides! I should really look into one!
    Those are all such wonderful memories.

    1. You may remember this post. It was gift. Daughter said she researched it, and this seemed to be the best. It's far from professional, but it does the basic job pretty easily. https://anvilcloud.blogspot.com/2024/12/scanning-old-negatives.html

  16. Brave of you to tackle it. But memory lane can be a fun place for a stroll, for sure.

    1. It may be something other than bravery. :)

  17. It's a lot of work to scan so many slides.

    1. I remember you trying to do something like this.

  18. Great fun seeing you all as you were!

  19. I think the art gallery picture was taken at the McMichael Gallery in Kleinburg.

  20. You will be busy. I remember doing my dad's collection.

  21. What a wonderful chance to wallow in memories for a time. I never realized how much Danica looks like Sue. BTW, now-a-days, they call those babies 'sensory seekers' as opposed to the sensory avoidant babies.

  22. I've got boxes and boxes of old slides I should do something with.

  23. Nostalgia is a road worth traveling for reminders, but also perspective.

  24. How funny about the vigorous rocking!

  25. Barry digitised all s and my parents' and our slides. You're right, the quality is not always wonderful, but the memories are retained and that's worthwhile.
