Wednesday, January 15, 2025

More from the Park

Make hay while the sun shines
Make pics while the snow lies

That famous quote will point the way for this blog for another day or three. Today, I take you back to the park, and my theme for this post is Frames. In each photo, I tried to frame an object with surrounding objects. In this case, I am framing trees with other trees, or attempting to. I think the first and third photos work the best, with the third being my favourite, perhaps because I find strong vertical lines appealing for some reason. 

As she often does, Sue snapped a photo of me taking a photo. It may I may possibly have been taking the above photo, for I was pointing toward the general area.

I will have more snow posts to come, but we will be out of the park for those, even if we don't manage to hit it metaphorically outta da park.


  1. The snowfall provided a great self project in framing and what a cooperative tree.

  2. I prefer the very first photo.
    Everything looks so pretty with snow on the branches. It delineates the bare deciduous trees.

    1. It stands out most clearly for sure.

  3. Love those Christmas-like trees covered in snow! So pretty!

  4. Not on your radar, but I actually like the fourth one the best. I like the order of a nice pine tree surrounded by the chaos of branches of deciduous trees.

    1. I don’t dislike it b/c it made the cut, and my mood changes from one viewing to the next.

  5. Super all...can't make a choice today. My mood is out to lunch I guess.

  6. Great idea to use trees to frame other trees. My favorite is the horizontal with the picnic table in the frame.

  7. Good for you for getting out. I'll amble down to the trailcams, but not farther than that! I do have my client tomorrow, that'll be good for me.

  8. I had so much trouble trying to comment on your blog, but finally got in. Thank me for my patience! Anyway, I like the first photo. Perfect composition!

  9. These are great. I like the 1st one best.

  10. I love the first one best but the 3rd is my 2nd favorite. As long as I don't have to be out in the cold and snow, I enjoy wintry shots. :)

  11. I thought all of those were good photos, but I like the first best.

  12. I love your photo choices. Thank you AC aloha

  13. I can see that your effort with composition pays off

  14. Snow seems to highlight the dark stuff.

  15. I like the third one the best, too.

  16. I like the first picture too. The framing is nice but the small tree allows the untouched snow to feature more strongly.

  17. #4 is my favorite of these, but they are all keepers, AC.

  18. Framing is so important. Makes or breaks many pictures.

  19. #1 reminds me of a little child standing in the middle of a crowd of adults wondering where ‘her mama is’.

  20. I'm not at all surprised you went back! And a good thing you did -- I love that sticky snow for scenes!

  21. If I had a choice, I'd take the second one with that bent tree in it and the one with the bench! And...and the last one with a person in it adds a wonderful touch to the scene.
    All wonderful. Send snow .... please.

  22. I like them all, but I really love the little Christmas tree that keeps appearing. It just needs baubles and coloured lights to complete it. In the past, one or two of the trees in the forest were decorated for Christmas. I haven't been up there to check recently.

  23. So exotic and beautiful to me! Thank you AC

  24. I'm very partial to your first photo, AC.

  25. Kay and I are choosing the first photo. I like strong horizontals. And sneaky borrowings of word tags.
