Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Sweet Smell of Nothing

Sitting at the computer in the early morning, I seem to smell a sweet perfume. It is very pleasant, but what am I smelling? It something like what Danica was wearing when we hugged goodbye after family dinner. Unfortunately, it almost has to be a phantom scent.

I am reminded of a rather unpleasant phantom odour after the doctor prescribed Gabapentin several years ago. I would be sitting at the computer and smelling gasoline, and it happened in other places too. I queried Sue back then, but she smelled nothing, and she normally has a more sensitive olfactory level than I.

The Gabapentin wasn't working anyway, so in consultation with the doctor, I abandoned it.

Meanwhile, I will somewhat enjoy the lovely perfume, from wherever it emanates in my tiny little brain.

Later . . .  .

After some time, Sue arose. Of course, she smelled nothing. Then I thought, "Why not google it, you brain-cramped peon? It eventuates that Phantosmia is the word for this condition — the same word that I found three years ago when I googled my phantom gasoline smells. Of course, I had forgotten it, for three minutes is a long time for my diminishing brain to retain words, never you mind three years.

Phantosmia is a condition that causes you to detect smells that aren’t actually in your environment. It can happen in one nostril or both — and the odors may be foul or pleasant. Common causes include colds, allergies, nasal polyps and dental issues.
I do not have a cold, and I don’t think that I have nasal polyps, but I do have a mild allergy to Lacey of all things, but I have had that for six years now without smelling nice perfume at my computer at five o'clock in the morning. I have had some dental work recently, but the last work occurred two weeks ago, and this is not the first occurrence, so I don't know what to think.

Update: Three days later, the phantom odour is occurring again, for hours on this Wednesday morning. Sue, she of the bloodhound nose, hath arisen. She informs me that it is, indeed, a phantom odour. 

I can't say there's something rotten in the state of Denmark because we are not in Denmark and the odour is far from rotten.


  1. Hmm.

    Might it be a piece of clothing YOU are wearing that was the same as when you had recently hugged Danica? Perhaps Sue cannot smell it as it is not really noticeable outside of the small amount that radiates from your collar or some such thing?

    In yesterday's post, you mention shrinkage of height. I think what you have experienced is pretty normal for us at our ages. You and I had pretty much the same starting adult height and now we both have a pretty damn close older height too.

    I would not be worried.... it is very UNLIKELY to be a bone density thing. More common factors associated with it.... gradual muscular changes that impact posture, changes in arches of the feet, etc. In my own case, I know my running has impacted my overall physique in many ways including ELONGATING my feet (although I still retain a very high arch) and in causing some of my height shrinkage.

    You may find it interesting to try HANGING by your arms from a "pull up bar" at a gym or some such place..... I do this often at the U and I find that it helps me to stretch and elongate my torso (and vertebral column and musculature) and that for a while (often hours) afterward, I can TEMPORARILY regain some/much of my prior height..... but the better beneift is that it helps me with improved posture and helps me to stretch out that region of my body which then does feel farm more comfortable. I am at a point now where I practiced enough where I will (when I am at the U gym) just "dead hang" (the term for this hanging from the bar) for ~5 minutes.... and it feels very good and refreshing to my body torso (even though my arms do get tired).


  2. That weird smell again. I remember last time you investigated this and I think didn't find a source. I wonder if it's like hearing tunes that nobody else does.

  3. How ice that it's pleasant. An unexpected gift.

  4. I guess if I had to choose, it would perfume over gasoline.

  5. I used to like the smell of gasoline but I doubt that I would now. I like PT's theory about the clothing. Sometimes scent transfers to another object that we wouldn't expect.

  6. I believe it is the smell of bougie. Sometimes olfactory neurons could just start to be so sensitive and discriminative.
