Friday, September 27, 2024

Walking on an Overcast Day

It was hardly a beckoning day, but the rain did cease, so we headed to the trail for a little walkie.

Sue's prompt for the day was to make a double exposure. With a phone, the blending pretty well has to be done by post processing, and she has such an app.

Just before we got on the trail, we parked by a house which still had a very colourful flowerbed, so Sue stopped to take photos.. With double exposures in mind, I took one of her taking the photos and suggested that she blend mine with hers.

As you can see, it worked pretty well, but in the end, she posted the next one to her group: a blend of the flowers with a leaf found on the trail. I like it a lot, especially with the background textures from the boulder that she lay the leaf on.

This is one of the few photos that I took, looking along the trail. While there wasn't much autumn colour on the trees and bushes, there were quite a few fallen, yellow leaves.

We took a right turn off the trail down to the little bridge and old machine shop where we found an aster growing out of a crack between a retaining wall and the building.

When we walked past the construction of the old mill which is being repurposed into new condos, Sue spotted a rusty old mailbox on the fence. Dropping the mail into the construction zone would be problematic, but it is a pretty blah mailbox for a multi million dollar development.

While we had been on the trail near the bridge, we looked down to the hackberry park.

Later, we went into the park where Sue found water and leaves on part of the bare bedrock. They made for an interesting abstract photo, or at least partially abstract.

We should walk this way every now and then in the next few weeks as more and more autumn colour seeps in.


Sandra said...

All the photos are good but I particularly like the last one. It's frame worthy.

gigi-hawaii said...

I like your double exposure photo more than Sue's. Very pretty!

MARY G said...

Love Sue's double exposure. And the leaf with reflected water, last shot. Neat, both of them. You are both so talented. And you both see things; it is fun to have you post on how different your seeing and recording can be.
BTW, I love the long path with dry leaves shot. A real story shot. And perfectly set up.

tz_garden said...

I admit I turned around to see what was casting a reflection on my screen in the first photo, haha. It is lovely. I quite like the picture of the leaves on the ground with the still green trees overhead.

NGS said...

Beautiful fall scenes. I'm a big fan of that postbox, too. I now want a red mailbox!