Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Low Key Birthday

There is not much to post, but I said that I would, and so I shall, for it serves as a bit of a record.

Sue and I took a takeout breakfast and coffee to the park. It was cool and very windy, so we ate in the car before taking a little stroll.

You see me with the camera up above. I did take a few photos that I will probably post tomorrow.

Late afternoon we headed to the kids for food, cake and a gift. The gift was a group collaboration consisting of funding for a piece of photo software that interests me.

The cake came (bottom of the photo in my lap) and Sue took a picture. I should have got a photo of her, but she did appear in yesterday's post.

Sue is a bit exasperated with Jonathan who hammed it up in every photo.

Before posting, I saw Sue's collage in our family fb group.

She also found this one from 2009. 

I guess this is why we post of these ordinary little events. Eventually, they may resurface as sweet memories.


DJan said...

Happy birthday again, AC! Love that last picture.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Looks like you had a great birthday, the "cake" looks delicious! I miss Tim Hortons!

RedPat said...

Sweet new memories to go with the old ones.

Marcia said...

You do have fun celebrating. We don't do much of that these days. Dan has his 74th this month. He already ordered his birthday present!

Sandra said...

You had a fun day with family and cake. The last photo is priceless!

gigi-hawaii said...

Happy birthday, AC. Such sweet photos - especially the last one.

Barbara Rogers said...

Our family is usually getting together for the big "0" birthdays, but sadly didn't do a thing for my oldest's 60th. Well we all went together for a gift that he didn't think was that hot, a lesson learned. Good that you all live close enough for family gatherings regularly! It's possible indeed that they will bring smiles in the future.

jabblog said...

Happy birthday! How nice to spend it with your family. We rarely all get together.
I've just been reading some of your recent posts. They made me smile, so thank you. 😊

Val Ewing said...

Oh Topaz! It is a great piece of software!

Happy Birthday and I love all these cherished photos!

Granny Sue said...

Yes, you are right. Our blogs serve, for many of us anyway, as a record of our lives, our interests, our worries, triumphs, and celebrations. My hope is that when I am gone, my sons and their kids will have my blog to read and get to know me better. I have so many questions I wish I had asked my parents but never thought of when they were living. At least with my blog they will have a place to find some of the answers.

MARY G said...

The memories are precious. A lot of the folk I follow are posting grandkid-back-to-school then and now comparisons. So this one fits in perfectly and they sure were cute.
And .............. you haven't changed a bit. Right? Right. Wishing you a happy year ahead and am eagerly awaiting the AI post(s).

DB Stewart said...

Those grandkids love you. Happy for you all.

roentare said...

Looks like a memorable day you had

Red said...

Grandkids grow up quickly so it's good that you can take a look at them.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Hope your day was grand.
I like lowkey days

Marie Smith said...

Oh how they’ve grown! How fortunate you were to live nearby!

Debby said...

The wonderful thing about those memories? You are not their only keeper.

Patio Postcards said...

Sending belated birthday wishes. Your cake looks delicious.

Liz Hinds said...

Belated birthday greetings! Looks like a good day. I have a grandson like Jonathan! I sympathise with Sue.

Margaret said...

Lovely photos and I love it when someone hams it up. :) They make great memories for later on.

Jenn Jilks said...

You are right, happy memories. The years go by too fast.
Happy birthday!

Jeanie said...

Now THAT is a fabulous gift. And the memories are marvelous. Wishing you many happy returns in your next journey around the sun. You certainly have mastered the art of living well.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Looks like a great celebration, then and now!

William Kendall said...

Happy belated birthday!