Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Photos from the Park

I wrote about taking photos on our wildly windy walk in the park. As you know, I haven't taken many photos over the summer, but I am happy enough with a couple of these.

Part of the walk takes us past the dock. While small craft coming from the cottages upriver can dock there, it is mostly used for fishing. Here are a father and son fishing from the dock. 

When we got to the end of the path, there was a young lady sitting on a bench. When she got up to stretch, I couldn't resist taking a couple of candid photos.

What I also like about the above photo as well as the next two is the colour across the river. We had been able to see it while we were eating in the car at the other end of the park. I tried to take a photo then but was too far off to make an impact.

The young lady sat back down but continued to do more stretches. I kept sneaking photos. I do like photographing people candidly, but I tend to do it surreptitiously. What they don't know won't hurt them or me. If I were braver I would do more candid 'street' photography.

Just off to her right, I took a photo of a well-framed fishing boat with the colourful foliage also in view.

I put away the camera as we walked back to the car, but I am quite pleased with the photos of the young lady doing her stretches. The bench, lady and colour came together for a few serendipitous moments. The other two photos are okay, but they are not as good in my opinion.


DJan said...

I agree that those stretching shots are exceptional!

PipeTobacco said...

The IDEA of street photography always intrigued me. I often wanted to try that as my focus when I was more actively photographing . But I always felt too “shy” about taking images of people that I did not know. It takes more gumption, I think, than I could muster.


Marie Smith said...

The trees are quite colourful already! Fall has arrived.

gigi-hawaii said...

Very nice. You have an eye for beauty.

Ed said...

The one of the lady standing and stretching her legs is the best of them all IMO. I too occasionally take photos of people without their knowledge but refrain if they are looking my way.

Marcia said...

What caught my eye were the fall colored leaves along the far shoreline.

jabblog said...

That's a lovely, peaceful scene. I like people-watching but try to do it surreptitiously, like you. Sometimes, I get too interested and forget to look away . . . 👀

MARY G said...

The leg stretch is a classic. I am always confused by the etiquette surrounding candid photos of unknown people. In this case, the subject might cringe a bit about how she looks; but she is completely unrecognizable. Or, she is to strangers. Would someone who knew her be able to know her by her clothes and location? You could not easily get a permission from her; it might have been impossible.
I put up candids on my blog as it is private to me and those whom I allow on the site. I would not publish a recognizable photo without permission anyplace more public. That is how I was trained. What are the parameters others of you use?
I should be clear that I am not faulting AC's posting of this very fun and clever photo. It just made me think about other, um, angles.

RedPat said...

I am a bit of a stealth photographer when it comes to street shots. I'm too shy to do it openly - not sure why.

Jenn Jilks said...

That looks like a fun outing.
BTW Yes, we have garbage collection come hell or high water. Just not on Christmas!

roentare said...

The father and son scene is exquisite. The lady doing an odd posture is something

Jeanie said...

I like all of them but the father-son makes me smile and feel all warm.

Cloudia said...

Nicely done and I enjoy your narrative with the photos. I too like photographing people candidly and tend to do it surreptitiously. Anything in public site is photographable legally including people, but I always attempt to not make anyone feel uncomfortable. And sometimes I do ask. Although I have lost some shots when the person stops doing or standing like they were and stands for boring photograph. Very enjoyable AC. Thank you

Red said...

All good photos. It's a good sense of fall coming.

Margaret said...

Ooh, fall colors already! Love the fishing boat.

Joanne Noragon said...


Val Ewing said...

Your photos are beautifully framed and I can appreciate that so well. My dad used to explain to me over and over how to frame scenes.
Sometimes I fail miserably, but these shots are beautiful.
The color palette across the river is gorgeous!

Granny Sue said...

I like those stretching photos too. She was like a cat, stretching in the sun.

NGS said...

What a beautiful location! I bet the father and son would LOVE copies of the photos if you ever see them again.