Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Nick and the Ukrainian Festival

On Sunday, there was a Ukrainian festival in town. There were booths, food and performances. We were unable to stay for long, so we didn't get as much as we could have out of the the experience. 

Sue saw a nice, authentic looking blouse for $240. She resisted. I was hoping for some authentic Ukrainian food, but when I saw the lines, I resisted.

I had been keen to attend to support Nick in a very small way. He is my Ukrainian photo friend who was born in Canada, but I think some of his siblings were born in Ukraine. He speaks the language, has visited Ukraine several times, and identifies strongly with the country. In these sad times, he follows developments very closely and with passion.

One activity that we did catch was the unfurling of a gigantic Ukrainian flag.

I even thought to take a short video clip. I don't think to do this often, but every now and then, my brain kicks in.

Sue made one of her collages.

It wasn't a super hot day, but the sun was still strong despite it being the equinox, so we sat by the river in the shade for a little while. You can see the autumn colours beginning to appear on the other side. The colour will soon come on strongly, and almost just as soon afterward, it will be gone.

The bridge should have been lit with the colours of the Ukrainian flag, but Nick checked that night, and they were not on display for some reason. I have been meaning to check again to see if the display has been changed, but it is Wednesday already, and it has been raining and miserable for much of the week so far, and if there is a display, it won't be up much longer.


Ed said...

I don't know anyone personally from Ukraine but I do have a couple of good friends from Bulgaria which is in the region to the south. I have always enjoyed their food but have no idea how similar it is to that of Ukraine.

Sandra said...

I also don't know anyone from Ukraine or of Ukrainian descent. The festival looks colorful.

Barbara Rogers said...

I've supported Ukraine ever since Russia invaded them. With on the spot news now, we find out in real time what's happening to human beings all over the world. Some of it is dreadful.

Vicki Lane said...

Those are some beautiful outfits! May Ukraine prevail!