Monday, September 16, 2024

Of Sleep and Commenters

Since I often whinge about my lack of sleep, I am pleased to post that every now and then, I have a very good night. Last night was as good as it gets. Sleep App concurred with my general impression by giving me 7h 45m. I'm not sure if I have done better than that all year. Even more impressive was that all but one hour, so 6:45, were deemed to be good sleep, which is not always the case, even when the total is only 5 hours.

I am not alone in this sleep situation although it is not a problem for everyone.
Should Fish More: I have the same sleep issues, normal for me is around 5-6 hours, often less, rarely up to 7. I listen to the radio. I'm a bit older than you, 78, and admire you getting up and doing things. I try to stay in bed until 5:30, then up and my one cup of coffee and the news. I read your posts most days, they are part of my routine. Thanks AC.  

I don't think Fish still blogs, but I appreciate that he still comments on occasion. It's so nice to know that he reads frequently.

Speaking of non-bloggers who drop by, I have a few, but DrumMajor is the most frequent visitor, or at least the most frequent commenter of the non-bloggers. I don't know why these good folk drop by, but it is nice that they do. I would like to know more about such people, but one respects privacy. Having said that, my email address is there for all to see . . . and use.
DrumMajor: Though those early morning shots are beautiful, in the spirit of Halloween, place a few little bats flying out. To be biologically correct, they'd need to be returning to the tower after being out all night. Linda in Kansas
Kate also recently stopped by, and there are others although I can't recall names at the moment.

Back to the sleep issue, others get by on lesser amounts and still seem to thrive.
Cloudia:  . . . I get up between 4:00 and 5:00 also and go to bed between 10:00 and 11:00. I have never needed more than 6 hours sleep on a normal night. Perhaps you are just one of those people who doesn't really need the full seven or eight. Something to ponder. Have a lovely day
One issue of mine is unpredictability. My good sleep last night was very nice, but I had less than 5 hours on the previous night. It is also the case that I, historically, needed 8 hours or close to it. Mind you, my history has been alterred for about two decades. Oddly enough, and I have written this before, Sue and I used to sleep close to the same number of hours. In later life she has required much more, and whatever I require, I get much less. I am often up an hour or two after she goes to bed and an hour or two before she gets up.


gigi-hawaii said...

It's nice to see comments, isn't it? Makes us feel good. Happy sleep tonight.

Vicki Lane said...

The connection with other bloggers is surprisingly real--folks you may never see sometimes seem closer than 'real' friends and neighbors.

Boud said...

Yes, I always appreciate people who read and take the trouble to read and comment. Sleep well, AC!

DrumMajor said...

Dear AC, so what did the bats do while you were trying to sleep? I don't have my own blog cuz I'm a nurse. Nor do I use Facebook. Nurses have to protect their reputation and license to a degree, or at least until we retire. Someone could see me holding a half glass of water and declare that I'm an alcoholic. Not gonna mess with that. Been first widowed and divorced twice. Have a wonderful son, also in medical field, and his wife. Survived growing up in Oklahoma among OU fanatics, moved to Kansas initially for music therapy. See, I'm not so shy, but your landscape photos and lovely family are more exciting. Thanks for sharing. (I did visit the bats under the bridge in Austin, TX. They come out at dusk to a loud fluttering and smell. Not too many skeeter bugs in that neighborhood!) Linda in Kansas

Anvilcloud said...

Oh meowwwwwwww you. My grands have toyed with my phone so every time I type he'llo it changes it to a cat greeting. Thank you for that. I always welcome your comments and now my curiosity is satisfied. Hopefully I will go batty for you some day although most opine that I am batty enough.

Debby said...

🤔 is Sue perhaps stealing sleep from you in order to support her increased need for it?

Sandra said...

I'm glad to know you had one night of good sleep. When I did have the problem I somehow managed to function. It seems you do, as well.

Barbara Rogers said...

Glad you have so many readers, and those who comment! Sleep quality is a good goal, do you ever dream? With my C-PAP I sleep pretty soundly till first light. Except for bladder telling me to go empty it, I guess I've got a good 7-8 hours.

Marcia said...

I get comments from DrumMajor too. Nice to read some more of her background. As to sleep, I do get many more hours than you but interrupted by frequent bathroom trips. I also wake up tired from my dreams. Either they are taxing emotionally or physically. I wish I could skip the dreaming part.

Granny Sue said...

Nice to know you had a good night. They are such a gift. I know that for me, the busier I am, the better I sleep.

Ed said...

I know that when I get a full eight hours of sleep, a rarity, I feel so refreshed and energetic all day. I deduce that I require a full eight hours of sleep from that though I'm guessing average is more around 5 or 6.

roentare said...

I have been getting 5 hours a night at the moment

Jeanie said...

Well done. My sleep patterns aren't so good either and I think they'll be worse when we "fall back." (I'll let you know.) So glad that you got a good night's sleep. That means the world.

Marie Smith said...

Four to five hours a night is common for me. A nap helps!

Red said...

I think we each have our own sleep patterns. We don't always get the sleep we need or want. we start to worry about it and that doesn't help.

Margaret said...

The old wives' tale is that we need less sleep as we age; I'm not sure that's true. I find myself waking up more and taking longer to get back to sleep than I used to.

DJan said...

It seems like if I have a really good night's sleep, the next night is not so good, perhaps because I'm not so tired?

Jenn Jilks said...

Sleep is a difficult issue. I think you manage your issues well.
I have to agree, you get up, if you can't sleep, and figure out naps are a good thing.

tz_garden said...

I think I'm at about 7 hours now, used to be 8. Did you feel like you had extra energy with the extra sleep?

Anvilcloud said...

I don’t notice a huge difference, just quite a small one perhaps.

Rosalea said...

I need at least 7+ hours...If I don't get that (sometimes...for whatever reason), I sure know it, and it is extra hard to power through the day. Don't know how you manage on so few. I'd be a basket case!

jabblog said...

Sleep, how much, how little, is a vexatious problem. The nights I most dislike are those when I dream that I haven't slept, even though I must have.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

I often wonder how some of the commentors on my blog find it. Some are pretty obvious coming from other blogs, but every once in a while, a random one comes across and makes one wonder.