Saturday, September 14, 2024

Saturday Morning Photo Play

You'll remember these two recent photos. Before uploading them to Flickr, I decided to add the text, Textures, just to add a little something. I kept the text light to not be too obtrusive, but I never know how it will show up on the lower resolutions that I use on Blogger.

You also saw this photo recently.

I liked it, and you said you liked it, but I thought it could be better by removing objects that seemed to detract from the main subject. I think it improves the photo, but what do you think?

Then it was time to head to the Yard Waste site to dump off leaf litter, grass clippings, and  garden  debris from cutting back those sad, fading plants.

I was just about to get in the car when I discovered a spider web attached to it on one side and to nearby plants on the other side. When we tried to photograph it, the spider vamoosed to under the car, and that was that. Together, Ms Arachnid the First and I went to dump the clippings. I don't know if she survived the trip. 

Upon my return, I was watering the plants out front when I espied another web in the garden. I did manage to photograph this spider although I was unable to get most of the web. My kinky back and I weren't doing well in the crouching position, so I accepted the images that resulted, sans web. I could have gotten a stool and my tripod, but, alas, I am but a lazy sort of bloke. You can see some water droplets here and there on the web.

I cropped and magnified the second photo to try to capture the spines on Ms Arachnid the Second. This version should be pretty zoomable if you wish to click.

So, how is your Saturday going? Doubtless, you are all out doing meaningful and splendid things .


Barbara Rogers said...

Good wet Saturday morning here, around 63 F. I set up pottery at market, came home, went back to pick it all up - and it now is wet wrapped in bubble wrap in a tub in my trunk. It will stay that way unless I get very inspired. Speaking of which, I do like the improved boy fishing, but not the word textures. Just my vote.

Vicki Lane said...

Wonderful spider capture! And the removal of the two objects in the lovely fishing photo was a big improvement.

Sandra said...

I like how you edited both photos. I kind of like the spider sans web.. It seem to be floating.

Granny Sue said...

Oh wow, those spikes! I did zoom in and was amazed by the detail.
I thought when you posted the fisher boy that it would be better sans those black things. Much better now. I also like the word Texture on the first 2. I can envision a series like that.

Kay said...

I think you're right about removing distracting things from photos. I love PhotoShop. Uuuummmm.... I had to scroll past your arachnid photos though since I have arachnophobia. However, your spider photos were very amazing.

roentare said...

Yeah, these are top shots. The spider one has such a fantastic bokeh!

DB Stewart said...

Those spider photos are shudder worthy (pun intended).

DJan said...

I do like that picture with the distractions removed. And I was also impressed by the bokeh in your spider shots. I like the first one the best.

Joanne Noragon said...

I would have cropped the fisherman exactly as you did. I saw a meme recently that stated spiders actually have fingers and a greatly enlarged picture showed just that at the leg ends.

Margaret said...

I agree about the distracting images although they didn't bother me. I do think taking out those objects improved the picture. I'm not a fan of spiders but that one has beautiful markings. Their webs are works of art! As long as they stay outside, we can co-exist peacefully!

Kate said...

What ARE those black things?

peppylady (Dora) said...

Hopefully no one get bit by the spider.

Val Ewing said...

I've often debated about taken things out and changing a photo and I like that it can be done, but I like the original for different reasons. They give a sense of depth to the photo.

Spiders! I love spiders. You did a great job with them!