Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Lighting Up My Night

Toilet Night Light - Motion Sensor Activated Bathroom LED Bowl
Toilet Light, Fun 32 Colors Changing Bathroom Nightlight,
Toilet Bowl Illuminate Night Light

A toilet light can be a great addition to many a home in which an elderly male resides. This assumes that said elderly male gets up frequently during the night, has a weak stream, and is hearing impaired. If all three of those conditions apply, it can be difficult to know whether one's stream has truly ended. I'm sure dear reader can appreciate what might happen next.

We do have a night light in the bathroom, but it illuminates only weakly. That led me to also use a little, one-battery flashlight for my nocturnal bathroom use. When that flashlight expired, Sue remembered a gift from my Christmas stocking – a night light that fastens to the toilet.

How silly! I had thought it a joke and had put it out of my mind, but needs must.

Sue attached it, and lo and behold, it works!

It turns on when it senses vibrations. I only have to get near the bathroom for my vibrations to have it turn on. It's light-sensitive too; if I turn the bathroom light on, the toilet light will shut off. I believe it only stays on for three minutes at any rate, so it knows to shut itself off as well.

Some of the colours can be a wee bit disconcerting at first. "Oh no! It's red. Ami I passing blood?" Of course, I am soon able to reassure myself.

Obviously, I am losing my sense of personal embarrassment to post of urination and streams and hearing loss and toilets. When I meet for coffee with Bob and Nick, we remark of how we talk about personal matters in a way that we had never conjured that we would. Good grief, I even showed them a catheter in public at our last kaffeeklatsch.

One other thing, which has little to do with the foregoing, but I stopped the boys in their tracks last meetup because I used the F-word. Apparently, I don't cuss much, so I took them by surprise, and they felt compelled to remark on my usage. I guess that is another inhibition that I have dropped in old age, or at least let slip, just a little.


Granny Sue said...

Oh, that light! I think we need one, just for the fun of it.
You are right about how we discuss thing in public we once would have never dreamed of. Ah well, the privileges of aging!

Ed said...

I think this falls into the "learn something new everyday" category.

Sandra said...

Candor and age. I think they go together, as in we worry less about candor. Something you may not know, people in the horse world, overall, tend to use a lot of profanity. When I was deeply immersed I became immune to it and was almost one of them. Given the right set of circumstances I can still turn the air blue!

Vicki Lane said...

The colors! I'd find it a bit intimidating!

Margaret said...

I like that idea! My grandsons would probably love to play with it though which wouldn't be great. :)

Boud said...

You just never know what AC might talk about next!

Anvilcloud said...

I know, eh? Filters gone. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

RedPat said...

That looks very cool.
I think the F-word has become an integral part of my vocabulary.

DrumMajor said...

So, you can now re-study the elementary color wheel: yellow and blue make......I wondered how those things worked. Glad they help. More fun for sure than an old outdoor outhouse!. Linda in Kansas

DrumMajor said...

Instead of your little flashlight, consider getting a camping headlamp with the strap that does around your head. I use one for checking on my night patients without waking them up, but mostly to keep me from tripping on stuff. Mine has two settings: one for a little bit of light, another for a brighter light. Linda in Kansas

Jenn Jilks said...

What a brilliant solution!
We have a similar situation here. I put in a Lee Valley night light. I have a spray bottle for clean up, as well.

roentare said...

Just get a condom drainage by the bedside. No need to risk falls walking to and from the bathroom

DB Stewart said...

Despite the challenges, y u sound fucking happy. I like that. #insertfistbumphere

Anvilcloud said...

Boys could get into experimentation. ๐Ÿ˜œ

Anvilcloud said...

I do have one but I don’t need it to get to the room just once I am there.

Anvilcloud said...

It’s the little things. ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Anvilcloud said...

Thankfully I am good on my feet.

Anvilcloud said...

๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿพ I think this is one. Hard to tell on the phone. ๐Ÿค“

Cloudia said...

Glad you have such pals. Now I'm off to buy one of those lights for my husband

MARY G said...

We have so many night lights that we light up the night. About catheters and changes of state. My father had a TURP and got sent home from the hospital with a catheter. Although there was a nursing service available at his seniors' residence, it was sporadic. And so I ended up changing the bag on the catheter and cleaning and all that for my very shy and retiring father. Without much if any embarrassment. It needed doing and got done.

Jeanie said...

I thought I'd seen everything! It's actually kind of fun!

Debby said...

I'm not much of a cusser myself, but when I do, you can almost be guaranteed that I'm talking about politics.