Saturday, September 07, 2024

Health Report

I've posted about health issues at various times, so I thought I would give some updates. Perhaps I shouldn't do this seemingly whinging sort of post, but it is a part of my life. Besides, I am not whinging but merely reporting, mostly on issues that have been previously raised here.


I usually wear my watch at night, and it usually concurs with my impressions. What it does retain is a record. Just over a week ago, I was doing well for me. Except for one atrocious night, I was often hovering around 6+ hours. The best possible night of 7.5 hours occurred on Sept. 03. Mind you, the app considered 2 of those hours to be poor quality.  

After that wonderful night, I did what I do and went into a low-sleep mode. I don't know why it happens, but over the past 4 nights, I have 2 nights of just 3:15 although I suspect I may have gotten an hour more than what the app perceived. Whatever the case, they were hardly great nights. Two nights ago, I did get 6 hours but was under 5 again last night.

I don't know why this happens, and yes, I do get tired. While I sometimes have an afternoon nap, I have clocked myself over the years, and I only get about 10 minutes before awakening.. So I can't see that these naps are the cause of those bad nights. Besides, I often don't manage to nap at all, even though I usually do try.


The right foot is chronic with missing cartilage. I require foot fusion surgery, but with COVID thrown into the works, I waited for so long that I felt that the rest of my body was too compromised to be able to live without being able to use that foot for whatever length of time.

If they had only called 6 months earlier or if I had not been booked for urological surgery when they first called, I would have had the surgery, and I would be recovered by now. And if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

Such is life.


Late last year and early this year, I was frequently mentioning my rotator cuff shoulder issue. I did have therapy, but it only helped a little. Then I had the shot, and it helped a little more. It is still there but in a manner that is easier to deal with. After only being able to be comfortable sleeping in my chair for many months, I can now sleep in bed for at least part of the night if I choose. 


I don't even think that I have mentioned my groin problem. It occurred about this time last fall. After being very sedentary following two surgeries, I attempted to do some weeding out back. I was sitting on a stool but had my right leg in an awkward position. That affected my groin. I am now in physio for that, but it isn't helping so far. When I walk I feel as though I have to drag my right leg along, and it is uncomfortable to say the least, especially when I am also dragging my foot. I guess it is good that the leg and foot damage are on the same side.


I am self-catheterizing once a day. It's not all that onerous, and one gets used to it. The idea is to keep things open for longer without external intervention. I have an appointment for a dilation near the end of October. It is not a fun procedure, so if I can at least defer that, I will be pleased. At some far off point in time, the specialist will call, and we will then see if something else can be done. 

It sounds like a lot, eh, like I am completely falling apart? Mostly, they are minor things, but in total they have a fair impact. I am not living a miserable life. If I live with sensible restraint, I do not experience a lot of discomfort as I limp through my days.

Comments off. It's just a report, not a plea for sympathy. 😊