Thursday, September 12, 2024

Macros from the Trail

I took my macro lens along the Riverwalk Trail. I was hoping for a bit of autumn colour, but we didn't find much unless you count, these two poor leaves that were on the railing of one of the footbridges.

Shadows elsewhere on another railing.

There were bushes of blue berries, but I don't think they were blueberries if you know what I mean. They don't grow like that around here. Let me know if I am wrong.

Gardens abut the trail in a few spots. I liked these yellow seed pods overhanging the fence.

Light catching a few leaves out of the shadowy background. I think this final photo is my fave of the walk, but the competition wasn't that stiff yesterday. :-)

This is Sue's photo of me taking the first photo in the post of the two leaves on the railing.


Barbara Rogers said...

What! you didn't taste the blueberry? Sure looks like one to me. But I am not sure I'd have wanted any other taste in my mouth, if it weren't one. I also like the simple beauty of the last three leaves

Ed said...

The blue berries look like grapes to me.

Sandra said...

I like the simplicity of all these photos. They are lovely. They do look like grapes to me, as well.

Margaret said...

Wow, that last shot! Could they have been huckleberries?

jabblog said...

I like the last photograph. That bright splash of red is quite arresting.


Sounds like a peaceful walk despite the limited autumn colors! Love how you captured the subtle beauty of nature along the way, especially those yellow seed pods and the light on the leaves. I just published a new blog post. Check it out here: Would love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to share it if you find it useful.

Cloudia said...

I love you beautiful photographs AC. They say a lot about your noticing and appreciation. Those look like grapes to me! I hope you have a pleasant pain-free day my friend. Aloha!

Granny Sue said...

Those look very like wild grapes, AC. Iwould have to see the leaves to be sure.
A nice set of photos today, nice early Fall feel to them. Makes me smile to see you out with your camera again.

DB Stewart said...

I love it when life is dappled.

MARY G said...

Wild grapes is the best guess. There are few red trees today along the concession roads, but very few. I figure it will peak in two weeks or so if we get the right weather.
You do have fun. Like the shadow photo.

roentare said...

The close up studies of these leaves are memorable

PipeTobacco said...

I really enjoy macro photography. Yours are quite beautiful!


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

The berries look similar to those I have seen on pokeweed. You could take a photo with your iPhone and use the plant ID feature, which I've done quite often.

Vicki Lane said...

Lovely, especially the first one.

Joanne Noragon said...

Looks like a grape bunch to me. Fall is coming.

Debby said...

I love that I could see Sue's shadow (or at least her hat) as she photographed her beloved.

Marie Smith said...

That last shot draws the viewer in…gorgeous!

Val Ewing said...

Macro is my favorite way to photograph as I live in such a large forest.
Your photos just took my breath away. Thank you for your inspiring work.

Kay said...

You take the most incredible macro photos!