Sunday, September 29, 2024

Golden Light on Town Hall

We finally got down to the bridge to see if would be lit in the colours of the Ukrainian flag. It wasn't, but I did catch the light of the setting sun hitting the top of town hall.

Golden Hour, just before or after the sun sets, can bring great light. although arriving just a little earlier probably would have been better in this case, for more of the building would have been lit. 

If we compare the two photos, we already see that the lighted portion has diminished a little in the second photo although I took it just a minute later.


jabblog said...

Beautiful golden light and reflections. There's a greater depth of blue in the second one.
I've just been catching up on your blog posts. It's heartbreaking for Ukrainians across the world and there seems no end in sight.

Jeanie said...

Just lovely.

Marie Smith said...

Gorgeous! Incredible difference in such a short time. The reflection…perfect!

Jenn Jilks said...

Good for you! It is amazing how a minute later it diminishes.

RedPat said...

Love that 1st shot.

Sandra said...


Val Ewing said...

I was out doing some outdoor photography today and am constantly amazed especially in the fall at how quickly the light changes.
Beautiful shots.