Saturday, December 10, 2022

Caturday 44: Lacey is Appalled

Lacey eats a tin of Fancy Feast every day: always a seafood pâté style. It took us years to figure out that this was her preference, but she continues to pretty well clean her plate rather than leave large bits of other food.

However, I was gobsmacked  by the price increase. One week, the price was $1:19; the next week it was $1:49. 

That is a 25% increase ladies and gents — in one freakin week!

Not only that but until last week they were on 10/$10, but that deal is gone. Looking at it that way, it is a 49% increase, also in one freakin week!

This isn't inflation. This is greedflation or gougeflation!

I tried to get Lacey to eat a cheaper food. This was was her reaction.


PipeTobacco said...

Yes, cats ARE rather particular about their food choices. Our cat’s preferences seem odd to my wife and me, but when we do not abide by them we get a similar look as Lacey gave you. 😜

One of the oddest things our cat has taken QUITE a fondness to is a giant kohlrabi bulb we had on the kitchen counter. We had bought it on a whim, as we have only had minimal success in making kohlrabi into a pleasant dish in the past (but wanted to give it the ‘ole college try again when we purchased it a while ago). Well, Max (our cat…. officially “Maximilian”) likes to get on our counter each morning and interact with the kohlrabi by biting the remnant of the stem on it at the top… lifting it up with his teeth… and then setting it down again on the counter. He will do this odd behavior ~10 times EVERY MORNING, but not at other times of the day. I am not sure if he is trying to commit are something we do not understand with us, if there is some sort of scent emanating from it that he likes in the morning, or if he is just somewhat daft.


PipeTobacco said...

“Commit are” was meant to be “communicate” …. damnable autocorrect messed that one up badly.

RedPat said...

The grocery stores are making piles of money despite what they are saying. I noticed this week that cans of soup have lost 5% of the volume and the price has gone up.

Boud said...

It's not the stores. It's the mfrs making masses of moolah.

Jenny Woolf said...

Here in Britain we are seemingly getting inflation like that by the week with pretty well everything. I know a lot of it is due to the catastrophic choices our government has been making but of course there are other reasons too. And oh I love the picture of Lacey!

roentare said...

That is a bugger. The problem of living in capitalistic society

William Kendall said...

That expression says it all.

Joanne Noragon said...

Don't give in, John. Put down the cheaper stuff. When she's hungry, she will eat.

Red said...

Grocery prices have gone through the roof.

Margaret said...

I'm not sure that Mari is fussy because I never change the brand of her dry food. She loves most wet food but doesn't get it frequently. Lacey is lucky!

MARY G said...

Cats let you know what they want, for sure. I think that expression says 'I am worth it, cheapskate!'. Yeah. You will just have to make a saving somewhere else or endure catastrophe.

Marie Smith said...

Her face says it all! Great capture. Lol!

DJan said...

That is a huge increase, but Lacey is worth it! Look at that face, if she could curl her lip, it would be curled, all right.

Tom said...

Do what Joanne says. But easy for me to say. I don't have a cat.

Debby said...

Bit of advice: DON'T CHANGE THE CATFOOD. It might be cheaper, but believe me, Lacey will make sure you pay for it.

William Kendall said...

Lacey has the ultimate look of disapproval.

Jeanie said...

Lizzie (at the insistence of my vet) gets more expensive food (usually about $2 a can, but sometimes more -- I watch sales). She gets 1/2 can a day, so it lasts a bit and a spot of kibble. That's one reason I set up her own savings account and plug in money with every paycheck. At least it covers food, vet, litter and puppy pads.