I finally did it, but it took a nudge – well more than a nudge – from Sue.
For years, coming home from the kids' in the dark, I have noticed the light on this tree on the edge of the park as we drive down a wee bit of a hill. For years, have I thought that there is a picture there. For years, I have never remembered to return with my camera.
But Sue remembered the scene when she decided that it would fit with one of her daily photo prompts. Off we went, and here it is – the tree by the streetlight.
This was my second photo of the tree, for I first snapped a photo of the whole tree. However, when I zoomed in like this, close enough to eliminate the actual streetlight, I liked the result better.
Although that had been the shot that we had gone for, it was actually the last photo that I took that evening. I had been looking for a place to park, so I had driven right past this subject to the other end of the park to turn around. As we were driving, we noticed, unexpectantly, that other trees and sections were lit by other lights. Of course, we stopped in several places before we got all of the way back to the tree.
Therefore, this was my first photo from the other end of the park. It's my least favourite of the four that I shall post, but it is part of the shoot.
This was my next photo; I quite like it.
But I might like this one better. It was the third and final photo before I got back to the destination tree, which was the first one in this post. I really like the shape, and it does stand out as more of a single tree in the darkness, and, perhaps, that is better than a group photo, like the one above.
In each case, we were shooting from the street with a big snowbank between us and the trees that we had to either shoot over top of or crop in post. At another time, I would like to return and actually access the park from another entrance and then walk around. Meanwhile, the melt is on – temporarily, of course –and we must await for conditions that cause snow to stick to trees. Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen, so it could be a long wait.