Saturday, July 20, 2019

Saturday Afternoon Miscellany

I do hear the groans and see the eye-rolls when I post yet another Celtfest entry. Such is life, but they are mostly photos and very few words.

These are from that Saturday afternoon before the two major groups hit the stage. But all of the performers were talented.

Anna Ludlow on what else — the fiddle.

Two photos of the Bang on the Ear band.

I take some crowd shots too. This guy's tartan cap was perfect for Celtfest. I wore one too, actually the same tartan, I believe, but a different style of cap.

Photographers abound. Well, maybe not abound, but they aren't exactly scarce either. It's hard to shoot under that hat, and noses do get in the way,

This guy has very good form: hand supporting the camera under the lens and elbows tucked in pretty well.

Braveheart is a staple at Celtfest. According to Bob who talked to him, the outfit is actually from the movie, Braveheart. He happened to be there when items were being sold off. I wonder what he paid for the outfit. Whatever the cost, I think it was worth it.


Marie Smith said...

Love the Brave Heart costume.

Vicki Lane said...

Great shots of performers and watchers alike!

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

More great photos. This seems to have been a terrific event.

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

Love all the Celtfest photos. Do you ever share them with the performers? I, like Marie, love the Braveheart outfit and the wearer looks very authentic.

Joanne Noragon said...

I won't complain; keep on posting the pictures.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

A good grouping of portrait shots, AC

Jenn Jilks said...

I like the stud muffin in the kilt!

William Kendall said...

Your first shot is my favourite of the set.