Friday, July 19, 2019

Extra Photos and Video Clip

I just kind of wing it, y'know. So when I thought I was done with Ashley MacIsaac, I decided to post a little more. I will begin with two photos through the crowd. It gives you a good idea where I was shooting from.

The drummer/beatboxer was something else. I will show a picture here and have also included him in the video below.

I really don't shoot video very much, but I did squeeze a few clips on this occasion because it was something very different and special.

It was still light in the first clips but finished in the darkness. Just before we go from light to dark, you can see the accompanist doing a little of the mouth stuff, which is my highly technical way of describing it. You will also see the crowd dancing about in the dark part. The whole thing is only about 46 seconds. (Something went wrong, and this is only part 2 of what I wanted to show.)


Jenn Jilks said...

Well done. JB went to a concert in Perth last night, The Last Waltz. I cannot stand being in that church. It's not like the old days!

It's the Stewart Park musical festival, but I don't think we'll go. Our backs cannot take sitting in the park. We usually just walk around the booths.

Marie Smith said...

Gotta love that fiddle music!

Mara said...

Aren't those loose strings bothering him at some point. I would be afraid they would get caught somewhere.

William Kendall said...

He's quite a talent.

Joanne Noragon said...

How grand to have been there.