Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Fantasy Genre in Books and on Screen

I have read a few decent fantasy series and a few that were okay. There are two series that held great promise that I gave up on partway through.

The first was the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. It was a very long time ago, perhaps even 30 years when I picked up the first volume of what I thought was a trilogy. The first three books were quite absorbing, but when I got to the end of them, I realized that I wasn't really at the end, for there would be more.

I read a few more volumes and gave up when I felt the author was simply playing a joke on us, for the narrative was advancing so very slowly that it seemed like he was toying with the readers. Although I did read [I think] two more of the series, they had lost the edge in my opinion, and I quit.

Many years later, the same thing occurred with the famous Game of Thrones fantasy series by George RR Martin, which was really called A Song of Ice and Fire in the original literary form. I had the very same feeling as with Wheel that I was being duped, so I stopped reading partway through the fourth book (I think it was).

In retrospect, it doesn't seem as though Thrones/Ice and Fire went on as interminably as Wheel of Time, so perhaps I was premature in my judgment, but I felt as though we were heading down the same very very long path. I see now that there have only been six volumes although it is possible that more may be coming. It is a little unclear to me.

Game of Thrones was a hit tv series that went on through 8 seasons. We began the first video of the first season. It was rather bawdy, so we quit. Millions didn't quit and became totally absorbed. Perhaps, I should reconsider some day.

Back to Wheel of Time, there have been a total of 14 books. The last 3 were written by Brandon Sanderson after Jordan passed away, but 3 of the 14 books, were prologues written after the eighth book and before the actual sequence was continued.

To finally get to the point, Sue and I have just completed the first season of Wheel of Time on Amazon Prime. I read the books so long ago that I have little recollection of the events although I do remember the characters. I imagine that the tv series has taken liberties as is usually the case. We liked the first season well enough, even Sue who never reasd any of the series and who can be difficult to please when it comes to tv. 

I have written all this to let you know that it may be worth trying unless the fantasy genre really puts you off. You will know after and episode or two if it is for you.

All that being the case, what I am really keen about is to see what Prime does with Tolkien, Middle Earth, hobbits and Lord of the Rings, which is due to be released late in 2022.


Marie Smith said...

I grew to like the fantasy genre from book club where the discussions of the books gave me more insight that what I saw in it. I will try Wheel of Time on Prime. Like you said, an episode or two will let me know if I like it.

MARY G said...

I love fantasy, but agree withnyou on Wheel. Dune spin offs are also annoying, but my daughter says the movie is good and true to the first book. If you want a good series, the Steerswoman by Rosemary Kierstein is excellent. But not finished, so be warned.

MARY G said...


Barbara Rogers said...

I admit to liking the classic fantasy series...but not the more recent one. Perhaps I was educated out of enjoying them...or my fantasies are more fun that I think up myself!

Patio Postcards said...

IMO, it took Game of Thrones 3 seasons of gaudy scripts to get to the story, which once they had hooked the audience to tell the tale, was quite good. I fast forwarded through the first 3 seasons.

It took me a while to agree to Lord of The Rings Peter Jackson movies (liked) as the books are my treasure, I am not sure Prime will hook me out of the gate.

Anvilcloud said...

@Barbara. My fantasies do not involve hobbits. 😁

Marcia said...

I stopped reading fantasy years ago. My favorites now are mysteries and historical fiction. Off to a book group in a bit to discuss Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell.

PipeTobacco said...

For me, I have never been able to find enjoyment in fantasy style works. This includes Tolkien unfortunately as well…. although I tried to find enjoyment in them numerous times. I think for me the need for needing to completely accept the “magical/mystical” aspects of things defying virtually any at-the-time inconvenient law of the physics of the natural world grates on me. This is why virtually all Marvel comics or superhero comics are dull to me as well. The only exception has been a small subset of Spider-Man films and a small subset of Batman films that I found enjoyable.

Tabor said...

It is always hard when we have a pre-conceived idea of the characters or pace of plot or mood when the movie/TV producers get hold of one of our favorite novels. I watched a few seasons of that flashback series about Ireland or Scotland or whatever. Sorry I cannot remember the name. It was pretty strongly sexy (bawdy?) and the overuse of that did somewhat distract from the story. I lost my subscription, missed the next season.

Margaret said...

I like some fantasy novels although those huge epic ones can be a struggle for me. I like the way you describe how the novels feel manipulative after a while. I've never tried GoT because I don't care for bawdy and I especially don't like extreme violence. Not enjoyable to me at all.

William Kendall said...

George Martin can't seem to finish writing his own books.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I wish I had more time to read. Hopeful when retirement come I then could have more time to read.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Debby said...

I cannot even tell you how refreshing it is to read about people who can't get into the fantasy stuff. People have raved about Tolkien since I can remember, and since I can remember, I've tried to read those books. I. Just. Can't.

I'm not averse to fantasy. I loved the Time Traveler's Wife. Watership Down. Outlander? That's just porn disguised as science fiction fantasy. A friend of the author's sent me one of her books from Canada. They were so good. She thought that I'd be hooked right away. I wasn't. Not even a little.

DJan said...

I am a sci-fi fan and enjoy watching good ones more than once. I loved the recent Dune and look forward to the next one. I'll try out Wheel and see if it's a good fit for me. Thanks! :-)

Bindu said...

I am not a fan of fantasy that much. Thrillers, bio, self-help, finance etc are my interesting subjects.