Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The CAF is Back

A pleasant surprise greeted me at the drugmart in the early morn when I was picking up a few items.

CAF is back.

Yes, ladies and germs, I do call it CAF although it is actually caffeine free. Despite what my blog friends may think, I do tend to be a tad parsimonious with my words.

I drink DIET during the day and CAF at night, or at least I used to. Then, around the time that the pandemic began, CAF disappeared from the shelves. Apparently, the disappearance was unrelated to COVID but had something to do with scarcity of aluminum.

Does it sound like I drink a lot of COKE? Well, I don't really. I open 2 DIETS/day and 1 CAF in the evening. I try not to finish any of them, so hopefully, I am not consuming any more than 2 cans in total. 

I have a chronically weird throat, and very cold COKE feels very good on it at the right time. Perhaps you remember the old commercial about ice cold coke on the back of my throat. Well, it works for me.

I do understand that I am weird.

The reappearance of CAF came just after I had discovered that there is now a sugar-free COKE ZERO. I had purchased one carton and was about to purchase another when I saw that CAF was available.

So, what did I do in its absence for a drink in the evenings over the past year? After some trial and error with root beer, sprite and 7-Up, I settled on ginger ale. It was okay, but I don't prefer diet ginger ale, and I'd rather not consume those calories at night, so it is good to have CAF back.

When I started blogging 17 years ago, I never would have dreamed that I would write a post like this. Although just about any topic can be blogged, that doesn't mean that one should. But I do anyway.



DJan said...

I am not one of those people who drinks fizzy beverages daily, but I have grown very fond of Fever-Tree ginger beer. It comes in both "refreshingly light" (40 calories) or regular (85). I don't worry about a bit of sugar like that, but I really prefer the lighter one, which is harder to find in the stores. :-)

William Kendall said...

In terms of soda I have a preference for Dr. Pepper, but my drinking habits also include milk, juice, and water.

Ed said...

I can take or leave soda and regularly give it up for a month and a half every year during lent, but I do enjoy it on my throat, apparently similar to you, over water. Probably the only time I get the urge to actually drink a soda is when I'm eating pizza or chocolate and I don't do either all that often.

Marie Smith said...

I was a Diet Coke drinker, one or two a week max. I discovered it was the source of migraines, the last diet coke induced one I didn’t care if I died. We don’t drink soft drinks at all though one would be nice with Old Sam every once in a while. We drink water, with the exception of tea or coffee once or twice a day.

gigi-hawaii said...

I drink about 1 Diet Coke per day but with caffeine. I prefer it to Diet Pepsi, which is too sweet.

Patio Postcards said...

Your post today gave me quite a chuckle. Glad to hear your beverage of choice is back in stock.

Mr Man is a Coke Zero fan. I'm not a cola drinker at all & gingerale is for those heartburn/stomach upset times. Give me tea & pots of it throughout the day.

Is Sue a cola drinker along with you?

Marcia said...

If I have one soda a week that's a lot. I don't buy it at the grocery store to keep on hand. I don't like the taste of diet and too much sugar in regular sodas. I drank too many of them when I was teaching which was a big mistake and a weight gain I've never recovered from.
Glad to know it works wonders for your treat. Chalk it up to its medicinal qualities?

Barbara Rogers said...

Good to hear you have your fav drink. I had pretty much switched to a few kind of Ginger Ale...including Ginger Beer (non-alcoholic Jamaican) but realized I didn't need the sugar, and seem to be allergic to the sweetener in diet drinks...so I'm drinking juices, coffee, herbal teas, and lots of water! I know, Too Much Info. Have a great day!

Tabor said...

I had a doctor in the past who was a Geriatrician and she warned me firmly to stay away from diet drinks as they play havoc with your kidneys over time. Perhaps a glass of ice cubs to suck on for your throat?

Margaret said...

I drank CAF for years. Then I discovered that carbonation isn't kind to my stomach and switched to water enhancers. Glad you're getting back to your normal routine!

Celia said...

Rarely drink soda but I do keep some ginger ale for my tummy when it gets upset. I'm diabetic and the doc said pop was a no no.

Mage said...

Sometimes I finish one diet Coke a day. Never more.

Red said...

I used to be somewhat of a coke aholic. Now I don't drink it at all.

Rita said...

I used to drink Pepsi sometimes, but rarely have anything carbonated anymore. When I do it is the flavored sparkling water kind. I'm glad you got your favorite back! :)

Joanne Noragon said...

Oh, dear. Just tell me you know how bad this is for you, and I'll rest easy.

Vicki Lane said...

After a childhood spent guzzling cokes, etc, I almost never drink them now, preferring seltzer water to get the fizz.

Debby said...

Tim drinks uncaffienated Pepsi in the evening. He cannot always find it either. We never thought to wonder why. He drinks his from a bottle. I gave up carbonated beverages probably 20 years ago now. It's unsweetened iced tea with lemon or ice water for me.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

We all have our drink preferences, both non alcoholic or otherwise. While not a big soda drinker, I have found that a glass of Coke tastes better when enjoyed intermittently and usually at a friend’s home as we only stock ginger ale in our fridge Glad your favorite is available again.

Kay said...

I drink Coke Zero with Zero sugar. I didn't know there was No sugar or caffeine which Art shouldn't have. I shall have to look for this. Thank you for the heads up.