Saturday, November 23, 2019

Caturday 9

It does my heart good when Danica visits and Lacey grants her some lap time, for we wondered if this cat would ever be petable, and here Danica is almost a stranger.

It turns out that if you sit in this chair, you may get visits, particularly if you are female. The only time that I sat there in Sue's chair, I didn't get a visit.

Going to her still doesn't work all that well, but when she comes to you, good moments can happen. This occurs to me only in my den chair and not all that often. This is partly because she confiscates that chair more than I do, and when she can't have it, she tends to go elsewhere.

I do get some nighttime visits, however, and she is petable then if I bestir myself to do it. We are rather unlikely to every get pictures of that, though.


  1. That is a precious photo!

  2. Great shots of cat and grand! They both look happy and peaceful!

  3. I'm a bit worried about out little Nutmeg. She's had a trying time, and still puts her ears back and crouches if we go to per her. Cinnamon is just the opposite!
    Annabelle just wants their food. It has been entertaining...

  4. Cats ARE particular.

  5. She's a sly one....
    She knows what you don't know to ask her.

  6. I'v always enjoyed having a cat sit on my lap. But no kitty for me as my DIL is allergic to cats.

  7. She just laps up the attention.
