Sunday, November 03, 2019

Bleak November

It has been rainy and extremely windy hereabouts for days, but there was some light this morning, so I went out, not realizing that the winds were still ferocious.

I had thought to do a little walk, but the conditions dissuaded me, so I drove by the park to see if there was any colour at all remaining.

Yes, Sort of. In just about only one tree, and not so very much even there.

I braved the elements long enough to snap a few shots of the bare birch trees standing out from the rest across the river. I processed in mono to emphasize the bleakness.

Hurrying to depart, I took one more shot of the path that looks so wonderful in the warmer seasons. November is truly a bleak time of year. That is why, as much as we don't generally look forward to winter with eager anticipation, we know that snow will lighten the scene when it comes.


  1. So interesting. I especially like the first photo with the contrast of old gold leaves and the gray skies. Gray can add such nice contrast to many things. This is really true in quilts, too.

  2. The next to last one has great power.

  3. I like how the grey brings out the muted colors. Wonder if there were any tones of color in the B&W ones...but they are great by themselves

  4. You have captured the starkness and bleakness as fall leave pun intended.

  5. Stark certainly comes to mind.

  6. That water certainly indicates a wind is blowing.

  7. The trees here are looking bare too. I don’t want that winter white yet though!

  8. I like that almost bare stage with a few brave leaves still sparkling in the sun.

  9. Oh my... I wish I could send you some of our Hawaiian heat. We have a lot to spare. Your photos look like winter.

  10. I really like the B & W! I don't normally. But you are right.

  11. Black and white does have a way of making nature shots look very bleak.
