Monday, May 27, 2019

Tulip Time

Ottawa has a pretty major tulip festival every spring. Although I have only been twice in the past, I thought I would get in the spirit and get a few shots of ours and then our neighbour's tulips.

Mine have the road and driveways in the background unless I get very close, which I didn't this year.

The pink and white flower in the background is the only remnant of the dozens of Canada 150 tulips which we planted back in 2016 for Canada's 150th anniversary in 2017. Only one remains, and it is actually much more faded than it shows in this photo. The 150 tulip has been a major disappointment.

I moved across the street to our neighbour's front garden. She also has a 150 tulip remaining (first photo), and it also is not as saturated as it looks in this photo.

In her backyard is a wonderful clump of red tulips.

But these pink tulips are the best shot of the day IMO.


Marie Smith said...

Those red tulips are gorgeous! The colours are lovely. Great photos.

Tabor said...

My tulips are all gone but I did love them while they lasted. They are treated as annuals here in the warm mid-Atlantic. YOu really captured those rich reds on that last bunch!

MARY G said...

Wow. To say the red 'pops' is inadequate. And, yes, the Canada 150's have been annoyingly unable to reproduce.

William Kendall said...

Here the Canada 150 is only now showing, the late ones this year. I still have to take some shots in, either this evening or tomorrow, as I've seen some yesterday in Confederation Park. Do you take the bulbs out and replant in the fall? I wonder if that's the factor, as is done with the festival gardens, that makes a difference.

Joanne Noragon said...

They are lovely, one and all.

Barbara Rogers said...

How beautiful they are, and I like the fuzzy backgrounds which just make the clear bright flower pop. I just learned about the 150's...that's too bad that they are changing. Those Dutch fathers who first played with the genetics of tulips didn't do it with chemistry, and they were pretty successful!

Anvilcloud said...

WK: I saw a bed yesterday that wasn't too bad but still a little small and faded.

I just leave the bulbs in and hope for the best. In the past I tried to get rid of some other tulips and failed. They kept coming back. lol

Christina said...

I love tulips, all colours and shapes. Mine are more or less over for the year. I had three large pots, two covered with chicken wire to prevent squirrels from eating the bulbs (we didn't have enough wire meshing for all). The uncovered pot had not a single tulip in, all 15 bulbs were dug up by the squirrel. Maybe it is a squirrel's tummy that your 150s ended up in?

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

These are gorgeous, especially the red ones though I love the Rembrandt tulips best of all. And I am so sad because I cannot grow any of them anymore.

Jenn Jilks said...

I wondered about that tulip. I think you were the person who told me that was it was. They were good for a year, at least. I've sketched them for PPF!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You have some lovely tulips. When we lived in VA we had some a couple of years, but most never returned and we suspect the bulbs were a meal for soil critters called voles.

Kay said...

I do miss being able to see colorful tulips in spring. Your tulips made me smile.