Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Macros, Cats, Doors and Silliness

Because we have a cat, for the latest macro, I had to shut the door. This has to do Lacey's silliness.

Let me just get the macro out of the way. It's a pretty extreme one of the centre of an African Violet.

Now for cats, doors and silliness.

I had to shut my den door to do the above macro because our cat is silly.

"How is she silly," I hear you asking. (I am pretty sure I am hearing this.)

Well . . . it's because of how she eats. She does almost all of her eating in my den because she is silly. You see, she likes treats; she likes treats a lot, a very lot. And they are kept in my den. at least the upstairs bag is located here. One doesn't leave treats out for wanton consumption, but one doles them out by hand.

Now, that's not all that silly, but it is very silly that she barely eats from her dish. Consequently, when she's on the prowl for treats, I almost always begin by feeding her bits of kibble. She is very happy to eat the kibble. So, why does she scarcely bother with it in the dish? I dunno, and she won't tell me, no matter how much I ask.

How silly to have to feed a cat by hand, but this is what it comes to. I can't give her all of the treats that she wants, but I can induce her to eat proper cat food before the treats come out.

About the time I was getting up for the above macro shot, she was getting antsy for treats (and kibble). The setup with flower, tripod and camera is rather delicate. I knew she would be all over it; hence, I closed the door.

But I want to say more about doors because cats are very silly when it comes to doors.

Lacey has pushed through the partially closed bathroom door any number of times when I am in there performing my nighttime (and also daytime) ablutions. I'm in there, mindlessly brushing my teeth or whatever when the door suddenly and surprisingly opens, seemingly of its own accord. In prances cat.

I have a little pop fridge in my den. If I open it, cat almost always is drawn to inspect inside.

We keep the guest room door closed because we sometimes have visitors who are allergic to cats, but she manages to sneak in almost every time I have to go in there for something or other. It's like a new and exciting experience for Lacey every time.

This leads to the story of a cat, another cat, and the bathroom: again, the bathroom.

Shauna was a teenager and had a group of friend over one evening. One of the boys needed to visit the bathroom. No sooner was he in there but there came a pounding on the door. Telling whomever that he would soon be done did not help. The pounding continued, much to the boy's frustration.

When he was done, he was ready to give a piece of his mind to whomever, but upon opening the door, there was no one there to yell at.

Then he looked down. There was Scutter. The silly cat had been the one pounding on the door.

Cats, doors and silliness.


Cloudia said...

LOL <3

Tabor said...

Reminds me of toddlers. I could never pee in private.

Joanne Noragon said...

You have an exactly like a cat cat.

Vicki Lane said...

Cats and toddlers have a lot in commnon-- doors and treats and meals alike.

Doris Potter said...

Good thing with digital photography you don't need a darkroom anymore. I imagine Lacey would not be appreciated sneaking into THAT room!

William Kendall said...

Cats have trained you well.

Jenn Jilks said...

I love them! Great stories.
Daisy May, after being rehomed, didn't eat for two days. Perhaps Lacey will come around. She won't starve herself, I'm sure!!
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

MARY G said...

Oh yes. Cats and bathroom doors in particular. The YD's cat is happily reunited with her mistress, but I still expect to be picking cat hair off a lot of things for a long time to come.
And your macros are splendid indeed.

Mage said...

I really loved the drama of both the cat and the photograph. Was it all in focus?

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You do know by now that humans never truly own' the other way around in reality.