Sunday, June 18, 2023

Father's Day

With two separate families involved, our half usually does Father's and Mother's Days on the Saturday.

They came over with donuts and coffee, and we had salty snacks on hand.

Time together was the important thing, so I had declared that gifts were not necessary. There were a few regardless. One was a t-shirt that could be worn for Pride events or at any other time really. When I receive a shirt now, I ham it up because, over the years, shirts became a frequent theme, and we have pictures dating back decades of me holding shirts up.

It was time for Wizard. Sha won.

Some goodbye snaps, the second by Shauna, so it could include Sue, who took most of the other photos.

It was  good to be feeling better and be with my loved ones.


Boud said...

Happy father's day! You look pretty happy.

Vicki Lane said...

Great shirt--great family! Happy Fathers Day!

Jenn Jilks said...

What a great Father's Day pressie! It is snappy!
Glad you are feeling better.

DJan said...

I love seeing your family, and knowing that you are now continuing to get back to normal. Love that last shot!

Barbara Rogers said...

Happy Father's Day AC! Great your family got together for you. And a tie-died shirt too! Wow!

Marie Smith said...

What a lovely Father’s Day, especially with you feeling better!

Should Fish More said...

Happy Father's Day...looks like a fine family and t-shirt.

Margaret said...

As you said, it's all about the time together, not the date. It looks like a great time. Love the shirt! I've never heard of Wizard but I do enjoy card games.

gigi-hawaii said...

Happy Father's Day.

RedPat said...

You all look quite happy!

Marcia said...

Very nice shirt! Glad you are feeling better.

William Kendall said...

Happy Father's Day!

roentare said...

Bloods count thicker than water.

Red said...

Good to have a little fun on Father's day.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Lovely family and happy fathers day.
Coffee is on and stay safe.

Debby said...

You wear your rainbow well~

I'm glad you're feeling better, and I really do like your butterfly wall hanger at the back of the table.

Patio Postcards said...

A fabulous way to be celebrated with your family, treats & a new t-shirt.

Tabor said...

nothing better than loved ones to put you on the mend.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Belated Father’s/Grandfather’s day wishes to you, John, and you look well and happily surrounded by family. Family celebrations at home are often the best and the presence of loved ones is the best present, as you duly noted.

PipeTobacco said...

I am glad you are feeling better!!!! Happy Father’s Day to you! What is the card game “Wizard”?

Jeanie said...

It looks like a wonderful day! Happy belated Dad's Day!