I know that the health issue has been going on for a few months, and I fervently hope that the topic may soon be put to rest. But it isn't quite over yet, so please bear with me at least one more time.
As you may recall, I first thought the fever indicated that I had contracted a virus. However, as Wednesday progressed, we came to think that there was a good chance that I had developed a post-surgery infection. Therefore, we deduced that we would call our doctor the next morning (yesterday, Thursday).
The fever did seem to break overnight (Wednesday), but I also soaked my night clothes 5 times, so we/Sue* did call our family doctor. We couldn't wait for Friday, for our MD doesn't hold office hours on Fridays, and then we'd be stuck for the weekend. I got an appointment for 11:30.
*I have always made my own appointments, but, in my pathetic state, I asked Sue to do it yesterday. Likewise, I have attended appointments on my own, but I wanted Sue with me this time.
I reviewed the whole story with the doctor — TURPs, dilations, catheters, sweats — but she soon focused on the fever, for that was the change that most alarmed her. She was wary of sepsis and sent me straight to Emerge for bloodwork and an intravenous antibiotic. I was to go immediately while she would call to tell them her findings.
The hospital is only a block away from her office, which is not much more than a block from our house, so, we were soon there, possibly by 11:30, our supposed appointment time with the doctor, for she is very prompt and often early.
I have recently said, only slightly exaggerating, that I'd sooner spend an afternoon in hell rather than the ER, but it wasn't long before I was ushered into a examining room.
That hideous painting of the dove rising to heaven was still above the gurney, all these 6 years after it first depressed me. I also an ECG because my heart was racing a bit. |
The ER doctor asked me all sorts of questions. Do you have this symptom, that symptom, and what about this other symptom. No, no and no. As when I recently filled out the pre-surgery questionnaire, it appears that, except for this
dadblasted issue, I am quite healthy.
Eventually, many vials of blood were drawn, after which we waited for the results. Meanwhile, the IV apparatus was inserted in readiness.
Nine vials plus the IV hardware. Thoughtfully, I removed the urine sample from the photo. |
Eventually, the results came back. Thankfully, almost every test came back negative, the only exception being an elevation in the white blood cell count. The urinalysis also revealed elevated white blood cells.
The doctor determined that I had an infection but not sepsis. I wouldn't require an IV injection; regular oral antibiotics (ciprofloxacin) would suffice. Scratch my earlier error of equating Emerge with hell, for I was dealt with both expeditiously and competently.
We were leaving the hospital parking lot at 2:30, only 3 hours after my scheduled appointment with the doctor. It cost $3 to exit parking lot. This was the only charge for the morning. In fact, parking has been my only cost throughout surgeries, cystos/dilations and office visits. Our system isn't perfect, and you may recall that home care didn't work out for me, but in the main, it has worked well.
The only other cost was $4 for the antibiotic prescription. The provincial seniors plan pays for the drug, but we have to co-pay the dispensing cost. It is geared to income, so our cost is $4. Some pay a little more while some pay only $2.
I know that it is too soon for the drug to be doing much yet after only two doses of the total 14 that I must take, but I am extremely pleased to report that I didn't experience a single soaking last night. While I found my chest slightly damp at one point, it was only on my skin and didn't soak through to my shirt. Hallelujah.