Thursday, March 13, 2025

Ancient Baby Pictures

While I disappoint myself with my general ennui with regards to my own photography, or lack thereof, after recently posting of Sue's work, at least I am continuing to scan old slides. It is a bit time-consuming because they are not great quality images. However, they are precious, and so I nudge them here and there in edit in an effort to show them at their best, or as well as possible at least. Sometimes, editing results in me turning a horribly coloured image to b&w.

Here are a few of our baby daughters.

Shauna, the oldest, was born in 1972, almost at year end. I shot slides back then because printing was pretty expensive  

Allyson came along six years later in 1978 on the day of my 31st birthday. A guy doesn't often get a present like that.


She older in this picture, but I loved coming across it and seeing how thrilled she was with her new Hot Wheels?


  1. I do remember hot wheels...a terrible noise they made when tooling around on concrete surfaces! (Probably what kids loved about them!) But they seldom tipped over like standard tricycles! Your little babes are so precious!

  2. Big Wheels! My own daughter had a Cabbage Patch one. Your daughters are beautiful. They had beautiful hair.

    How wonderful it is to be able to relive those years again. You sounds as if you were a very doting dad.

  3. These are sweet pics and a treasure for you to have.

  4. Lovely portraiture. Thank you for sharing with us AC. Aloha

  5. Lovely photos! I don't think my girls had the Big Wheels thingie. They had trikes though.
