Friday, March 21, 2025

Charlie Angus and Elbows Up

You have probably heard of Charlie Angus. Since Trump began to threaten Canada and continues to do so, Charlie has become a rallying leader of the resistance. Below is a Bluesky post from this morning — advice for Canadians to stay away from the USA in these chaotic times. People like this Canadian lady have been detained in extremely poor conditions. As ICE agents run amok, it has been happening to Germans and others as well as revealed in this article.

Here is a little more of what Charlie wrote in his latest substack.
A woman dragged away by border guards and chained in an unheated cell for days.

Professors, doctors, and students are forced to give over their phones to be examined for possible "subversive" comments about the government.

People arbitrarily seized and deported despite court rulings that demand fair process.

This is the stuff of a totalitarian nightmare. It's not something you would imagine in a democratic nation. But this is the reality of life in Trump's America.

And this is why I went to Canada's Parliament to issue a travel warning to Canadian citizens: avoid all unnecessary travel to the USA. 

But one thing that he hasn't gotten absolutely correct is Elbows Up. Somewhat oddly, the ladies have it right, but the men don't. 

Charlie in the middle

As I have previously explained it comes from rough hockey play, specifically from former hockey great, Gordie Howe who used his elbows very effectively. You had to be careful jostling for the puck with Gordie.

Mind you, the boys have it right in the sense of being combative and fighting for our space, so I won't take great issue with the details since they have the spirit.

Elbows up has become a rallying cry and is making its way to t-shirts and what have you. This is one design that I have seen, and there are countless others, many of which you can see here.

Sorry, I lost track of the designer

The battle has been enjoined, and in a recent rally, disgruntled Americans waved the Canadian flag in a Spokane meeting as a symbol of protest against the current wannabe totalitarian regime.


  1. It's been shocking, hasn't it? I didn't know what 'elbows up' was until SNL had it. Charlie is doing his best to stand up for us.

  2. I hope Canadians will welcome visitors from US which we will be in late June. I wonder what trouble we may have returning home. Will my blogs against tRump be examined? Scary times but we each must stand up for the rights of everyone. We plan to join a march being organized for May locally.

    1. Speaking for myself, I love Americans. I am sure you will be welcomed although we do have our fools too. So take them with a grain of salt if something awkward occurs.

  3. Unfortunately it has become more than a wanna be totalitarian government. If direct action isn't taken soon, well, you know. I stand with Canada.

  4. Keep those elbows up, Canada. And know that most US citizens do not support the madman.

  5. It is a shame if any of those stories are true. It is hard though for me to fully trust one side of a story, especially if that person was unjustly confined. I know if I was unjustly confined, I might have a tendency to exaggerate events. I'm not saying that happened here but that is why I read these sorts of things with a healthy dose of salt as they say.

    I just read the other day where Trump/ICE deported less people in the month of February than Biden did the previous February. The media makes it seem as if deportations are happening in huge numbers when in reality, they are not. The only change is the party at the helm.

    1. Where are you looking to try to verify stories? I'm aware of and Politifact, which has definitely stated that some claims going around on social media were false (and not all just b.s. from the right wing, either).

    2. The Canadian story is from Reuters which is pretty responsible, and it can be found elsewhere too.

    3. Don't think they scooped up random visitors and put them in weeks or detention before. Everything this administration does is ill-thought and ham-fisted from what I can see. They sure didn't send people to El Salvador without due process in Biden's day -- or anybody's day.

    4. I have double-checked and she is telling the story as she experienced it and it is being reported, mostly, factually. I, for one, believe it. How she came across to her 'captors' is another matter. I would hope if any other Canadian passport holder gets nabbled like that, they will also report.

    5. I agree the current administration is ham fisting things. I would also say the previous administration was ham fisted as well in just turning a blind eye and releasing some known criminals into our country whom were captured crossing our borders without documentation, some who have gone on to commit atrocious crimes on our soil. Why we can’t protect our southern border as well as you Canadians do on the northern border and then implement some immigration reform to allow people in an orderly fashion with proper vetting is beyond me. Seems like a lot of middle ground with two very stubborn political groups on either side who just want to ignore reality and politically lambast the other side for disagreeing.

    6. This is a logical fallacy. They are both problems, but they are two separate problems and one doesn’t excuse the other.

    7. I didn’t bring it up to excuse behavior. I bring it up to show that we fight about extremes instead of seeking middle ground.

  6. This is really interesting. We've heard of a number of pick-ups related to immigrants here but nothing at all on tourists. I need to check this one out.

  7. There have been numerous deportations and the detaining of anyone who disagrees with this administration. The U.S. isn't a safe place to travel around in, even for many Americans. It's a horrible situation here and worsening by the day.

  8. I've always thought we Canadians took pride in this country, imperfections and all, but it's really heartening to see this stubborn "FU" streak coming out of us when necessary. The Ukrainians have set us a good example, too; they haven't just rolled over, either, in spite of huge loss and destruction.

  9. I love the elbow stuff and some of the songs that have been floating around as well. Thanks, Mr Trumpet.

  10. Elbows up is a great rallying cry!

  11. It seems US is doing what China is doing for years.

  12. I read about a Canadian student detained for two weeks, transported in chains. Her friends went to the press and that helped free her. All because ICE claimed she had not renewed her passport at the consulate, but in some other (legal) way. ICE is staffed by soldiers for rent, by the way.

  13. Hello AC.
    I just discovered your blog and I love it. Hello from a faraway country. Many greetings to Madam Sue as well.

  14. I am rethinking our travel plans. We had planned to go to England and perhaps Ireland, but now I am not sure about air travel at all. Maybe Canada?

  15. He's really getting into it.

  16. I enjoy Charlie Angus and his rants, and I remember watching Gordie Howe too, so I've seen 'elbows up' in action! The current warnings over travel are downright frightening. I've seen warnings to U.S. green card holders not to travel as well.
