Monday, March 24, 2025

More or Less

I honestly don't know what happened to the photos and the rest of the text of the previous post. As you know I am not a stranger to posting photos, but what can I say. And I deleted them from the computer too. But to satisfy myself if not anyone else, I will see what I can scrounge up.

Here are the photos from the past two Mondays.

This is what it looked like today: a little fresh snow but there is only a small remnant of the pile.. The new snow disappeared shortly after we took the photo.

There were other photos of past years, but since none of the material, even the written stuff, got posted in the previous attempt, I won't go hunting them up.

It's a mystery, I tells ya.


  1. You could have done a time lapse on the snow

  2. Happy that winter recedes for another year.

  3. That sky in the last photo! Real or Photoshop? Gorgeous, in any event.

    1. It was real. Sue made sure to include it in the photo.

  4. I like the clouds in the background as the snow is being discussed.

  5. I had to drive to Perth in that ice pellet downpour this morning. And this afternoon there was glorious sun and the ice all went trickling away. Leaving the mud, of course. Our neighbour slipped in it and has a broken collarbone. I note your cane. Me, I am using two ski poles and watching every step. But, glorious sun. The birds will be back any time now.
    And, glad to see you found at least some of the photos. The other side of this is my annoyed husband who made an audio stick and has all the music twice.

  6. Glad to see cheerful red attire against the white disappearing snow...including such a lovely blue cloudy sky in the last shot.

  7. That sky is incredible and spring is coming. Definitely much less snow!

  8. I love Spring. Thankful to see another one.

  9. That blue sky with the bright puffy clouds...very pretty.

  10. The sky in the last shot is amazing too.

  11. You sure look good in red.

  12. The previous one was posted as I commented on it. It has pictures of your kids playing in the snow pile in day gone by as well as your measurement photos.
