Sunday, March 16, 2025

Same but Different

The more things change the more they stay the same.

Same Same
T-shirts from long ago, from daughter’s trip to Southeast Asia.
She claimed that “Same same but different” was a common expression there. \

What "stayed the same" on Thursday evening was that we ordered pizza from the same place, and it was the same order as usual:  large pizza, regular crust, Canadian (Canadian being bacon, peperoni and mushrooms, which I doubt extremely that other countries call Canadian). 

It had been several months, perhaps more than three since we last ordered. We have tended to order once per month or so as a little treat, but we've been behaving ourselves with food consumption. However, two slices of pizza are not terrible, so we I relented capitulated to my cravings on Thursday.

Dinner and an episode of Shakespeare & Hathaway

So far it was all the same: same place, same website, same order. But, there were changes too. The website had a different look and did not immediately recognize me or give me the opportunity to duplicate my previous order which is how I've done it for ever so long. The necessary free pop was no longer on offer. (I am not sure if this is good or bad, for, previously, we were obliged to take a soft drink, whether we wanted one or not.)

When the pizza came, it was also different. The regular crust was thinner than before, more like the previous thin crust but crispier. The bacon was not as well done as it had been. I worry about bacon after having had one bad experience, but it turned out that it was cooked well enough. In point of fact, I rather like bacon that way. So, this new version of the pizza was very good — good but different.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

(Picking Margaret's brain, I think this is the en francais equivalent phrase
to my introduction at the top of the post.)


  1. Ah, a beautiful and delicious sounding pizza. I wonder why we don't post more blogs about the food in our lives - well, most of it isn't special is it! Yes, the more things change, the more the stay the same! At least that's the phrase that comes to my mind. But I am always aware of the screeching of my sneakers across the floor as I'm dragged into some change or another...nooooo!

    1. I was just thinking that I could have adapted the saying to, “The more things stay the same, the more they change.”

  2. I like that saying. It's more or less what we say about our eastern view--always the same; always changing.

  3. I am fed up with change, myself. We've been doing pizza almost weekly. We both get one we like and it lasts two days. It's worth it.

  4. Pizza at least once a week! Two slices are not amiss. I call it Canadian bacon and always will and apologize once again for the idiot in the White House. Aloha to you

  5. Change is good, and exciting! But then, I'm a Gemini....

  6. One of my Asian friends used to say exactly the same and completely different. I never fathomed the meaning.

  7. We have pizza most Saturdays. I love it.
    Don't love change though.

  8. We do the same, even the same pizza, but it's usually not because of my cravings, it's because Mrs. F.G. doesn't want to cook!

  9. I do like to put Canadian bacon, and mushrooms on my pizzas that I make. I typically avoid pepperoni because the ones we have access to are extremely greasy. I do wonder where my Canadian bacon is made now that you bring this up. I’ll have to check the next time I see some.

  10. Same Same but different sounds quite a profound statement. Something I would find in a horror movie

  11. Pizza is good, except may different isn't when not expected.

  12. I would like that pizza minus the pepperoni and plus olives. I do love many varieties of pizza but find pepperoni a bit too spicy and greasy for my tummy. I like a moderate crust and not too thin. The cracker type crust is popular around here but I like mine breadier.
