Sunday, March 02, 2025

Seeking Pity

I have been awaking very early recently. On the morning when I write this, I stumbled to the bathroom at 3:30, but trying to get back to sleep, after maybe fewer than five hours, didn't work. I visited the bathroom again less than a half hour later. This time, instead of going back to bed, I tried to snuggle down in my chair, but that was a lost cause too. Soon, I was up visiting the bathroom again.

If I could do more than dribble, especially at night, I might empty myself better and, therefore, be able to get back to sleep, but this is not my lot in life these days. I do the self-catheterize thing before bed, but on some nights, I still struggle afterward.

I await surgery #4 to try, once again, to attempt to alleviate the problem. This may occur in April.

After a few nights like this, when I struggle to get even five hours of sleep, I tend to become overtired and discouraged.

Thankfully, after a few days, my troubles usually right themselves to some degree, and I will get back to 5+ hours of sleep. Even five-and-a-half hours make a difference. Sometimes, life even grants me the boon of 6 or 6.5 hours of sleep, for which I am grateful.

Meanwhile, I don’t like being awake in the dark, cold house at 3 or 4 in the morning, but it does give me something to moan and blog about as I, shamelessly, seek your pity.


  1. On the plus side, the time changes forward next weekend, so you will be right on track with the new time!

  2. I do hope this problem gets resolved for you soon. Maybe next month's surgery will fix it. I do hope so,

  3. You do have my true and sincere pity, AC.

  4. Oh poor AC! You are the night wanderer, freezing your neither regions and trying to relieve yourself and then to close your eyes to no avail! I talk myself into getting up for bladder relief around 4 each night, and then lie there a good half hour just waiting for some more sleep...thinking about everything under the sun. So you sure didn't want to know about my nights, when you shared about yours!

  5. You certainly have my pity. I hate getting out of a warm bed to go for a pee in the night. And the time's when it's more than once: GRRRR.

  6. You definitely have my pity! I've had several bladder infections and they remind me of what you're going through, except short lived. I can't imagine having to deal with the situation on a long term basis. Sending hugs!

  7. What a ghastly situation! I hope it can be resolved

  8. What's going on with you is very difficult. I hope your surgery goes well.

  9. You certainly have our empathy. We respect you too much to pity you. I have always been a 6-hour sleeper lifelong. Now I am grateful if I get the full six. Five, five and a half seem to suffice me most days. I hope you find the relief you deserve. Thanks for posting and visiting. And bon appetit to Lacey!

    1. Of course, I do experience chair naps during the day short ones.... I guess that should be added to the total. Eh?

  10. It really adds to more hassles and sleep disturbance. Health span is so important

  11. You've got my pity. Sleepless nights are the worst and one after another take a terrible toll. Different issues but when it comes to sleep, more than pity but empathy. Hang in there. I hope they slot in your surgery soon.

  12. Fingers crossed for April, dear sir. I suspect your "discouraged" comment is just the tip of an iceberg of feels. I know this surgery liminal space. Various strategies filled it but the best ones? Journaling, my loving wife, and various interactions with my grandchildren and watching people renovate dilapidated homes on YouTube.

  13. I don't have pity. I have empathy. I have suffered with insomnia for years. It really helps me to vent. You go!

  14. Oh, believe me, you have my sympathy! (which is different from pity, btw). Sleepless nights are awful. A long stretch of them are hell. Hope your surgery comes sooner rather than later.

  15. There's always the swig of cough syrup, but that can slow down the plumbing for some folks. Better than being so cranky to consider threatening people, like what happens to me. Linda in Kansas
