Monday, March 03, 2025

Alpaca Fun

When we go to Wheelers Sugar Camp, Sue likes to take photos of the two alpacas, but when she needed one for an odd photo prompt, she could find them in her camera roll. After rooting around in past Blogger and Flickr posts, I eventually found a couple of photos from October 2017, which I thought they would make a nice, light Monday post.

Sue tried to use ChatGPT from her phone to put a hat on the middle photo, above. The app wouldn't do that, but it did make a fun alternative image (bottom right in the composite). Read the captions within a Dr Zeuss frame of reference.

Then, I decided to see what I could do in Photoshop using the original image. First, I used AI to expand the canvas because there wasn't much head room in the original photo. Then, I asked for a top hat. The hat that they gave me was small, so I made it bigger on a separate layer. The result is unrealistic and mediocre, but it was fun to try something different.

Meanwhile, despite it being March, we are enjoying some of the coldest days of winter. However, the sugar shacks are beginning to open as the sun returns, and we hope to get back to Wheelers for the running of the sap and a breakfast of pancakes, French toast and sausages in a few weeks. As I picture that breakfast, my mouth begins to water. Seriously.


  1. For some reason, alpaca hair styles remind me of high schoolers back in the early 80's.

  2. Adorable. Love alpacas!

  3. First time for me seeing such an animal.

  4. I love alpacas, but you can keep the hat efforts! They have that toothy smile that takes the cake! And pancakes are in your future! Mmm, smelling the hot butter and maple syrup on top! Yummy!

    1. It was in fun to comply with a prompt.

  5. Hilarious. Thanks for the Monday morning giggle.

  6. The alpaca is handsome, love his buff fur color. Your breakfast sounds delightful!

  7. Yes, me too. I don't think anything is running yet, given the temperature, but I am planning to check out our local maker, Pauls, this afternoon.
    And the alpaca hat is a lot of fun.

  8. They have such funny faces. I wonder what they think about humans.

  9. Llamas have the best faces. And I love your hat versions. All animals look good in a hat! Hope you get to the pancake/syrup breakfast soon!

  10. OH wow! I'm amazed at what AI can do. I have the VERY old version of Photoshop so I can't do much with mine. Actually, I have such a poor memory that I forget what I'm supposed to do and have to ask my brother for help. Your alpakas are so cute.
    Someone gave mom a cute hand towel from Japan that said "ARUPAKA." Uuumm... Then I looked at the cartoon drawing and realized they meant Alpaka. LOL!
