Friday, March 14, 2025

That was Wednesday

There was beeping on our watches. When we got home, there was this image and message.

Watch out!! He’s got his G1!

Watch out, indeed. The boy is now permitted to get behind the wheel, under supervision, of course.

There was a second beep.
It was also a big day for me. I’m officially back to being Shauna Rayner.

After more than twenty years, Shauna reclaimed her original name. It is only a name, but for some reason it pleases me. I am not sure if most women still adopt their husband's names, but Shauna originally did it to have the same name as her kids when they were growing up and in school. Danica is in her last semester and JJ will be a senior, so Sha decided it was time to change it back.

She also announced in on FB.

Sue and I had been out for our daily hobble. She had hoped to use the new telephoto capabilities on her phone to take pictures of the trumpeter swans, which we discovered are still hanging about. We did find a small group but could only see them through branches and at a distance, and they were just sleeping. Better luck next time.

Not the very best sightlines

From just about the same spot, I took a photo of a lonely bench with the river in the background. The snow around the bench has melted, but there is still plenty of ice and snow out on the river.

Another nice and unexpected happening was that of coming across the geese. They have arrived in numbers. We must have passed hundreds at the eastern end of the park, but there was another, smaller gaggle at this western edge. I took a very short video, just to capture their honking.

So, whilst we had been shuffling along prosaically on a dull day, changes were occurring. JJ got his beginner's permit; Shauna got a name change; and. the geese arrived in honking numbers. That is almost not to mention that the snow by that bench had melted away, but that is also a pretty good thing.


  1. Lots to celebrate! Snow disappearing here too but there's always a threat of more to come this month.

    1. It’s sunny and heading up to 10/50 today. Yahoo!

  2. I have thought a lot about what's in a last name since I adopted my step-father's last name at an early age. When I was younger, I thought about it more but now that I have two daughters and they are unlikely to carry my surname for the rest of their lives, no matter which one I have, it really seems pointless to be worried about it anymore. I am at peace with it. I think if I were in your daughter's situation, I would probably change it back too.

    1. Yeah. There will be no more Rayners, at least not from my lineage. I guess, it bothers me a twitch, but just a titch.

  3. Congratulations to JJ and to Shauna! I know I rather enjoy using my maiden name.

  4. Interesting, your daughter's name change. My daughter always kept her own name, and her daughter has it as well, as her parents are not formally married and that is how name attribution works in Ontario, apparently. What they have done is made a hypenated amalgam of the two surnames that they use informally. It is a cheering thought that in these days there is very little attention paid to surnames as indications of life style. The grandkid and her "half" brothers do not share a surname, and this was just considered non controversial.
    I wanted my maiden name on my degree material, having been married as an undergraduate, but it was not allowed by my university. I still feel cheated.

    1. Can you get it reissued, even now? I guess not, if it isn't official.

  5. Congrats to J J and I will drive carefully as I go through your town.

  6. Great changes afoot. Those geese seem a happy lot. Who know what they were saying about you! Names are difficult if you're into chasing ancestors...and the modern switches will not help a bit, especially for the females!

  7. Beautiful photos, as ever. The snowy landscape is magical.
    And lovely family photos too and great milestones.

  8. Shauna seems thrilled as well, to return to her original name!

  9. Yay for grandson, and for Shauna! I have long regretted changing my name, and am thinking about changing it back to my maiden name. Because that is who I really am, not Holstein.
    Bright and almost too hot here! Snow is long gone, but could reappear, of course. Like that bench shot. Very evocative.

  10. I have a hyphenated name and both my daughters, including the married one, kept their names. Good for Shauna! And congratulations to Jonathan too!

  11. Congrats to The Boy and Shauna! I really like the lonely bench photo.

  12. An eventful day in your family.

  13. So you tied some interesting things together. Good for JJ getting his learners. Happy that Shauna gets her name back.

  14. Banner day! Congrats JJ and Shauna. The geese flew overhead here today too. Spring is in the air! Love the photo of the bench.

  15. It must be a sense of achievement seeing kids grow up. Joel's kid is about to take on a car license test too. He gets all emotional

  16. Definitely a good day.
