Monday, March 17, 2025

Going to Almonte

Oops, before we move onto the blather of the day, I feel it necessary to correct some impressions about the Canadian pizza from yesterday's post. Although we call a bacon + peperoni + mushroom pizza the Canadian, it does not have Canadian bacon, just regular bacon. In point of fact, we do not call that kind of bacon Canadian; up here, we call it peameal bacon. And I don't know about the rest of the Canucks out there, but we never have peameal/Canadian bacon.

None of this matters, of course, but I thought it was worth mentioning in passing.


Onto the topic du jour.

The bathroom sink wasn't holding water, so I referred the problem to Madame Sue because she had already demonstrated that she was familiar with how the stopper pluggy thingie worked. When she pulled it out, there seemed to be the scanty remnants of a washer. Long story short, we drove to Almonte (silent e) where she found washers at Home Hardware.

She got the washer in place and used her pliers as a prop  in one of last weeks' purple themes: two birds with one stone, as it were  

While in Almonte, I took some photos of the waterfalls. They aren't my first or last photos of the falls, and probably not my best, but it was nice to pick up the camera again while also walking in a different place. We've been pretty restricted in town lately with the trails, apart from the bridge route, being very rutty with difficult footing.

I also did a b&w conversion of the first falls photo, which I think that I prefer over the original version in this case — think, not sure. Opinions?

Photoshop can now remove distracting powerlines on command. I tried it with good result but thought that they deserved to be in this photo, since there is a hydroelectric power plant just off the left of the photo. There are actually two power plants associated with these waterfalls. 

I should return sometime with my telephoto lens and focus on little bits of the scene. Meanwhile, Sue had already done that with her new, super duper telephoto-enabled iPhone, although this one is more ice than water.


  1. Who knew? Canadian bacon isn't actually Canadian. Next you are going to tell me French toast isn't French.

    It must be nice to have a handy wife for home repairs. That is something I haven't experienced.

    1. Also consider English Muffins.

    2. Oh, I think you are the ultimate Mr Fixit and I don't think you require any assistance. I, on the other hand, am severely lacking in that department.

  2. And I always wondered how you Canadians fixed your hammy bacon into a round roll to call it Canadian bacon. Nice info. Linda in Kansas

  3. I prefer the first photo. I like the contrast of the water falling into the river. I figured Canadian bacon wasn't actually Canadian, since, as was said, there is French toast, English muffins and probably multitudes of others I can't think of at the moment.

  4. I love an icy waterfall. There's just something primal about it.

  5. Pretty falls. We have viewed the mighty Mississippi a lot further up-river, and have always wanted to check out Almonte, particularly to visit Gilligallou Bird. Perhaps on our next foray to Ottawa.

  6. I prefer the first waterfall, and never knew you all didn't have any Canadian bacon. whew, that's another bubble of my knowledge gone. But I will continue to know French Fries aren't indeed French, but I don't remember where...and these days just about everyone claims them!

  7. Hurrah for Sue. Interesting about 'canadian bacon'. I have never had bacon on a pizza before and I like a thick crust pizza. But...if I have a chance, I will raise a slice of Canadian Pizza to you and your handy wife.

  8. Peameal bacon? I shall astonish my friends with newfound knowledge.

  9. Sue is a good one to have around! Whoa, those waterfalls are amazing. Peameal bacon does NOT sound appealing.

  10. I like the black and white. I didn't realize that bacon meant bacon and learned something new! Peameal is an unfamiliar term to me.

  11. We love Canadian bacon and make a breakfast sandwich we call a Nova Scotian (because we had it in a coffee shop in Halifax tho they didn't call it that.). The sandwich is an English muffin, fried egg, slice of cheddar cheese, slice of Canadian bacon with mayo and chipotle pepper. I have found a chipotle mayo but I like my version better - mayo with sprinkle of the chipotle pepper. We always have to be careful with the first bite because the yolk is runny. Yum!

  12. We never have peameal bacon either.
    I like the waterfalls with colour best.

  13. There's French toast,too. A lot of things sound posher if they're French

  14. Love the falls. I never tire of such photos!

  15. Almonte looks quite lovely. Those falls are great!

  16. I like the color the best.

  17. The automated removal of power lines and dust represents one of the finest advancements in modern innovation.

  18. The black and white makes the foreground shadow better.
