Thursday, February 06, 2020

A Puzzlement

Do I look puzzled in this picture?

If so, it was probably because Danica had grabbed my camera at Jonathan's birthday dinner and I was wondering when she was going to snap the shutter.

But these days, life is puzzling me in general. Maybe it always has puzzled me and I have always been just trying to cipher out what the heck it is all about.

On the previous night, I had been awakened three times with rather vicious abdominal cramps.

This was after trying very hard to follow a bland, BRAT sort of diet for about a week.

I have never been able to pinpoint whether there is much of a relationship between my diet and my symptoms. Sometimes, it just seems that my symptoms will go off when they jolly well decide to and nothing else matters. So, I took the chance and ate [moderately] some of JJ's birthday pizza and cake. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead, and all that.

Come 11pm, I decided to sleep in my recliner for the first part of the night. It is sometimes more comfortable for my aches and pains than the horizontal bed. I was planning on starting there and moving to the bed later.

What happened was that I had the best sleep in months, so much so that I was still groggy when I awoke 8 hours later.

Eight Hours! Eight whole hours! I normally consider 5 hours acceptable, 6 hours good, and 7 hours a gift from the gods. Eight hours might actually be enough for me to renew my faith in Odin. lol

The other lagniappe was that I only had to get up once for my usual nocturnal expulsion of fluids. Normally, I get up at least twice — in a shorter night to boot.

Despite relapsing in my diet, my system was very much better than in the previous night,

I can't figure life out. Can you?


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

So maybe pizza and cake should be your new diet foods, or maybe not. And yes I too can’t figure life out many times.

DJan said...

I need way more sleep than you do, and yes, you do look puzzled. At least you got a really good night's sleep for a change. About diet, though, that doesn't sound like the easiest diet on one's tummy, unless you wash it down with beer. :-)

Barbara Rogers said...

Hi AC...I've gone through something called Low-FODMAP diet, which was a real test of what I could eat, and took about a month and a I completely removed any foods that might cause gut problems (it came out of nursing in Austrailia but was recommended by the gastro Dr.'s nurse). The book may be hard to find (I got it in a used book store). "IBS - Free at Last with the FODMAP Elimination Diet." by Patsy Catsos.

Kay said...

The doctor is telling me right now to stay off of dairy for a while to see if my tummy does better. I could have written your post. Funny thing though for me is that I’m getting more sleep here in Illinois. (Yes, I’m already here. I scheduled my posts before I left Hawaii last week.) It might be because it stays dark longer here. I also have to remember to go to bed earlier. I’m so glad you might have found a solution to your sleep deprivation.

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

I don't really bother trying....I'm glad you are doing better. The BRAT diet must be bad for you....

Marie Smith said...

I certainly can’t figure life out. When you do, AC, patent it. Billions want to know.

Tabor said...

I sleep much like you. Then out of the blue and with no correlation, I will have a few nights of 8 and 9 hours deep sleep...even if I have to make a trip to the throne. I do not have aches and pains...but do have insomnia. Some nights my brain rattles on like an old outboard motor. Yes, you do look nicely puzzled. Keep this photo...the kids will treasure it.

Joanne Noragon said...

I'd say, try it again, sleeping in the recliner and moving on if you think of it in the middle of the night.

Vicki Lane said...

Eat more pizza! And cake!

dellgirl said...

Yes, you definitely look puzzled. And! I feel ya'. I also can't figure out life. I decided (lately) that it's because I "THINK" about the puzzlement. When I was younger, I just "DID" life. Siiiggghhh!!!

Now, I'm puzzled because I don't think I said what I intended to say. But, I'm leaving it alone. All that writing makes it look like I said something meaningful.

Wishing you all the best!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I think that all of these symptoms and their varying manifestations are associated parts of the same condition - getting old!

William Kendall said...

Yes, you seem puzzled.