Sunday, June 02, 2024

Raising the Pride Flag

On the first of June, a few dozen folk gathered across from town hall to raise the Pride flag. We put on our celebratory colours and joined them.

Sue being Sue, got right into the mix.

John being John, remained on the periphery.

Linda being Linda, outdid all. Not your typical town councillor. 

The police showed their support.

The flag was raised.

Indeed, you are welcome here.

Sue and John took their required selfie.

And . . . a Sue special . . .

That's our mayor with the tee shirt — top right


Boud said...

Nice showing of support! How everyone's personality dictates their outfits!

Barbara Rogers said...

That is such a lovely civic group activity, low key, and yet fun. I guess I need to get some colorful things going somewhere too. Love seeing your selfie, as usual!

Jeanie said...

That's very cool. I like seeing that in a community -- and you all look fabulous!

RedPat said...

Good to see.

Should Fish More said...

More and more I'm regretting our decision not to immigrate to your country. We applied and were accepted in 1971, but decided against because of wife's school. I fear we'll be a radically different country after November.

Sandra said...

This looks like a fabulous day. Of course, you and Sue look like shining stars!

Cloudia said...

We have come such a long way in this regard over our lifetimes. That's how society changes, by making friends and reaching out. It's a shame that so many so-called religious people are currently uncomfortable with the very words of Jesus that they call liberal talking points. All of us together must defeat the excluders by maintaining and fostering our humanity and that of our neighbors and society.

Margaret said...

Love the colors and the councilor's outfit--very supportive! I fear for our country's freedoms lately and especially if you-know-who is elected, which I think could very well happen :(

The Furry Gnome said...

Glad your community hosted such a positive event. And that's a great (colourful) selfie!

Marie Smith said...

Great to support Pride!

Christina said...

You look fabulous. Happy Pride month!

DJan said...

Brought tears to my eyes, with all the crap going down in your southern neighbor. Happy Pride Indeed!

Celia said...

You looked great! Loved the officer's uniform too.

roentare said...

That is a day of colour. Great people shots

Marcia said...


DB Stewart said...

More of this in the world, please.

Granny Sue said...

I like your outfit! Like commenter above, I am afraid of what will happen to our country come November. Scary times down here.

Joanne Noragon said...

Very good.

DrumMajor said...

Nice to see a pleasant gathering of supportive people. It's a breath of fresh air compared to some gatherings in this area. Linda in Kansas

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Nashua, NH, also has a Pride Day which is sometime in June and the highlight is a parade down Main St.

Jenn Jilks said...

Having a gay granddaughter, I really appreciate this.

MARY G said...

GOOD for your police. And I think you look very festive. Linda made it to our Open House yesterday and her costume was even more elaborate and memorable.

Kay said...

I just love that your town is showing so much support for gay pride acceptance.