Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Short Walk Along the Trail

Sue was busy doing things at home, so I took a short walk along the trail while she finished up. In a very green world, I eventually saw a little red maple leaf floating in the swamp when I looked down from the footbridge.

I pointed the camera down and focussed on the leaf. I deliberately placed the leaf way off centre although it would not be a compositional choice that would be approved by many.

This ↓ is the same image, just cropped much closer and into a more standard composition, adhering more closely to the rule of thirds.

I took another photo of the same leaf from another angle with the camera held vertically.

And here ↓ is a more cropped version.

There wasn't much else that grabbed my attention, but I do keep my eyes open for benches because Flickr has a group devoted to benches. I stepped off the trail and used the trees to frame the bench.

So that was my brief Sue-less photo op.


Boud said...

That "rule" of thirds is why so much photography is dull and static. Better depart from it as you did, good for you.

Barbara Rogers said...

Each of your maple leaf shots also would stand alone without it = as nature looking like non-objective art. Add the leaf and there's an objective!

RedPat said...

I like the uncropped vertical one best. I like it a lot.

Debby said...

The second picture of the maple leaf is my favorite. It strikes me that an autumn colored leaf in the middle of all that green is a real juxtaposition, isn't it?

gigi-hawaii said...

That maple leaf looks mighty lonely.

Karen said...

Reminds me of pieces by Claude Monet.

Sandra said...

I agree with Boud, rules restrict creativity. I really like the bench photo.

Marie Smith said...

I love that location! The maple leaf is a nice study!

Jenn Jilks said...

I love your adventures. What is really interesting is your process. Nicely done!

Margaret said...

I like the rule of thirds although John says I have the bad habit of trying to center things too much. I'm sure he's right! Beautiful pop of color with that leaf.

Granny Sue said...

I don't know anything at all about rules of photography, but I do like every single one of these, AC. A very productive walk.

Joanne Noragon said...

More good shots, though I prefer the red maple leaf in all its iterations.

Red said...

The bench is a very cool photo.

peppylady (Dora) said...

The leaf looks sort of lonely.

Cloudia said...

I like your eye and your choices. A nice series in my eyes. Aloha

Patio Postcards said...

Great photos, I do like the off centred maple leaf. I often do as I like to use my photos to be the background for some journaling in my scrapbooks.

Jenny the Pirate said...

You did admirably though Sue-less ... LOVE the second shot which adheres to the rule of thirds, oriented landscape ... that is artistic and frame-worthy although they are all beautiful. The red maple leaf in that setting is just marvelous. And you know I love empty benches! xoxo

Vicki Lane said...

Beautiful floating leaf. And I love the light and shadows in the bench picture.

Kay said...

I really like that bench picture. It seems to tell a story too.

MARY G said...

I'm with Kay on the bench. And I, for some perverse reason, like the uncropped vertical shot. Sometines the composition rules and go and third themselves.