Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Trapped and Hobbling

I came across this Getting Old graphic and just had to post it on Facebook and now here too. The truth of really hit home when I came across it on Sunday as yet another body part decided to get it on the act give me grief.

Maybe I'll get into it more some other time. For today, I am off to see my urologist at the Smiths Falls hospital. I will hobble in and out, and the hobble will be a little hobblier than usual.


  1. Oh no! From the sound of your writing, you are experiencing another challenge with your bladder/prostate?!? I hope it is a simple and easy solution.


  2. Oh dear, it never ends! I hope this visit goes well.

  3. Sure enough that wording got it right, AC, and the forthcoming visit proves it is true. Hopefully, this will not be a repeat of the previous issue.

  4. I too hope this visit goes well and fixes the problem once and for all. I can dream, can't I?

  5. Many wishes that your new body part that is giving troubles will soon behave itself. I think each day should be dedicated to a different body part, to honor it for giving me service all these years. It's funny that when treating one, another seems to need attention, though. Not ha ha funny.

  6. It is not easy getting old, thats the truth. I hope that the new issue will resolve itself without too much pain. Doggone it, just when you were starting to get out a bit more too.

  7. Get well wishes coming your way for the doctor visit and the hobbling.

  8. I hope the doctor visit goes well and that the body parts are feeling better. We got a good laugh out of the quote.

  9. As relatively new to your blog I don't know the past issue(s), but I am hopeful it's an easy fix. As far as the quote, boy, do I know it.

  10. Prostate and foot? Dagnabbit!!

  11. Believe me, can relate. I hope your newest issue isn't too painful and will be shortlived.

  12. I hope you can manage. Aw, old age, but the alternative!!!

  13. Growing old is a privilege that one can experience all phases of human journey.

  14. Holding a good thought for you friend! Just remind yourself clouds float!

  15. I hope things get fixed up quickly in that shit show of a body.

  16. This meme is so true! Hope whatever is acting up is brief, AC.

  17. Sending both sympathy and a confirming nod. Love the meme. Get better!!!

  18. That graphic is so true!

  19. Sigh... so true. I'm certainly feeling it.
