Sunday, June 09, 2024

Flower Border

When I turn onto our section of the street, I am greeted by a splendid flower border.

The trouble is that I keep driving by and forgetting to return with my camera. However, one morning I did remember and walked the short distance from our place to take a few quick photos. This was not a tripod-session or time-consuming composition but was done with some consideration. Despite it being a dull day, the photos were okay, or at least they are with a little editing.

It had been the poppies that drew me from the day that I had passed by when they were shining in the light. While they weren't as fine on this day, they were still worth shooting.

I generally concentrate on single blooms rather than groups unless
maybe when several are clustered close together.

A pink peony.

Purple peonies

I don't know how many years I have driven by and then forgotten about this little showpiece, but I finally remembered.


  1. Peonies are in bud here. We wait patiently for the bloom but the inevitable wind storm takes them too quickly.

  2. Glad you walked over and captured these lovelies to share with me!

  3. Very pretty indeed. Glad you finally remembered and shared the beauty with us.

  4. I love poppies and having a tough time ever growing them. These are lovely and I really like the color combo they used.

  5. Gorgeous! Glad you did photograph them. Well worth the effort.

  6. Beautiful photos!

  7. Nice! That poppy is my favorite.

  8. Love that pink peony. It is good that you went back.

  9. Nothing like bright colour to make a good picture.

  10. The details on the flowers are stunning. I take both group and individual shots. I like to see the interior of the blooms.

  11. Nice to play with DOF on the floral shots

  12. Good that you remembered. Great shots.

  13. A beautiful little garden. My father grew those orange poppies. He called them Oriental Poppies. I never had any luck with them.

  14. Just so lovely! I'm glad you got around to taking their pictures. xoxo

  15. How lovely to plant along the fence for others to appreciate. They are beautiful flowers.

  16. I am glad you took the time and they are cheering up a dull Monday. The poppy really appeals to me. And, wait for it, artistic is what I would call it.

  17. Your flower photos always fill me with awe.
