Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Double Doctor Day

What can Dr Specialist do what you cannot, asked I to Dr Urologist.

Replied he: that is what we are going to find out.

I had driven to Smiths Falls because he didn't want me to get lost in the system whilst we waited for Dr Specialist to contact me. Meanwhile, Dr Urologist informed me that the referral had been accepted even though I hadn't yet received a call and might not for several more months.

Specifically, Dr Specialist is expert in reconstructive surgery when normal TURP surgery doesn't take. Or at least that is my understanding.

Meanwhile, we have scheduled yet another dilation procedure for June 20, to give me some temporary relief while we wait.

The consultation was quick because there wasn't really anything new to say, but I appreciated that he called me in. I did double-check whether I had heard correctly from the previous dilation in February, that the bladder spot that he had been monitoring looked innocuous. In point of fact, I am not sure if it was still present at all. Back then, I had been so flummoxed by the news that he could could do nothing more for me and that he was sending my case on, that my brain hadn't been processing very well. I was grateful to be reassured yesterday.

We drove back to town and enjoyed a breakfast sandwich in the park before returning home.

a pano from our bench

the phone got set to portrait mode, so Sue got blurred

When I got home, my family doctor was calling to see if we could move my appointment up from Thursday to yesterday afternoon. Most certainly, replied I,  glad to get two medical consultations done in one day. (I wonder how many doctors call to move an appointment up.) 

She has decided to give me a cortisone shot in the shoulder to see if that might help my rotator cuff injury. I never had much luck with cortisone in my foot when we tried, but I live in hope.

As for the hobbling that I mentioned previously, this post has gone on long enough, so I will spare you. I'll get back to the hobbling if and when the spirit moves and if and when the flesh is willing.


  1. I so wish you could get the kind of medical care I get. And that you can get your ailments cured.

  2. Sounds like all went well. Hope cortisone shot works for shoulder. Has helped Dan immensely.

  3. Just to let you know I am already researching voice control for my devices and will see a counselor who can also fill me in on how to function without central vision. Thank you for being my friend and looking out for me. :-)

  4. Super big wow, you've got the doctors jumping all over the place to help you! I sure hope they give you relief. Pain is no fun. Yep, our bodies do have all these parts that have worked just fine up till now, and now they are waiting to just tell us, "I'm tired out, give me more attention!" My little toes attracted my attention last week.

  5. I hope you get permanent relief and don't have to see the doctors so often. Good luck and best wishes.

  6. What a gorgeous setting for a picnic!

    It is good the doctors are looking after you so well, AC. Take care!

  7. It seems men are doomed to have prostate issues when they reach an age. I sure hope your issue will be resolved. I had cortisone in the shoulder many years ago. It did help.

  8. Yes, as Barb said, it comes as a surprise when things that functioned just fine suddenly cause pain and other issues. I hope you hear from Dr. Specialist soon. Has to be aggravating to keep waiting.

  9. I really do sympathize. My calendar is filled (just typed fukk by accident) with medical stuff and will be for the whole month.
    And I am still on my leash.
    I hope they find (whatever it is) and that the cortisone works well this time.

  10. I'm glad you have been referred and hope the call to come in is sooner rther than later. AND that the cortisone shot kicks in. Take care as you hobble -- we don't want anything else awful to happen!

  11. The cortisone shot really helps John's shoulder--but only for a limited amount of time, unfortunately. Can you keep getting them? I don't know. Although women have other problem spots, I do have to say that I'm happy not to have a prostate.

  12. I hope that you get relief from at least some of your issues.

  13. I am VERY glad the SPOT ended up being innocuous and may have disappeared too!!!!! I had wondered about that when you first mentioned it but you had not said anything since, and I did not want to be nosy.

    I am wondering what the specialist will do that is different from the TURP? Hopefully, when you are able to have that done.... it WILL be all fixed and stop being a difficulty for you!

    Perhaps you will be fortunate and the specialist will ALSO call and say he/she wants to get you in EARLIER too. The panorama is quite beautiful!


  14. That is terrible to have endless doctor appointments. The phone cand do a great job these days

  15. I had a cortisone shot for my torn rotator cuff. If the inflamation is in the muscle it will likely work. If it's a joint or tendon it probably won't work. But you're desperate so try it. It might give some relief.

  16. I had a cortisone shot as well for rotator cuff tear. I do think it helped, although that is just a slow healing injury sadly. I've torn left & right.

  17. You know, AC, a couple weeks ago, we were talking to a friend we hadn't seen for a while. He's so upset to be headed back in for yet another dialation. His doctor has warned him that it doesn't happen often, but some men need the procedure repeated. I thought of you.

    I'm sorry you are having such a time of it.

  18. As I just commented over on Barb's blog, after a certain age, it's maintenance, maintenance, maintenance, maintenance; but we can treasure the good moments.

  19. It can be such a pain.
    I hope you get things resolved-ish. At our age, this is all we can hope for!

  20. As for how many doctors call to move an appointment up.... that would be one.... yours. I have never heard of that happening.

  21. "grateful to be reassured" the words of the physician are so important to us! Wishing you well friend

  22. Woah. You are always positive and plucky and that's evident in this post too, but you've been carrying a lot. Hoping for the best outcomes for you.

  23. All best hopes for the results you wish from your doctoring, and Sue's top is a beaut! Few are elegant enough to wear something like that.

  24. Oh my gosh! You're the 4th or 5th friend I'm hearing of who is having rotator cuff difficulties. Our neighbor in Illinois was having surgery for it. I hope the cortisone shot will cure you.
