Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Going to the Dogs

Except for that little trip to the Smiths Falls Hospital on Thursday, we had been almost housebound for a week. First there was the heat; then there was the rain, and there was also that back attack thrown in for good measure. Sheesh!

Come yesterday, it was neither hot nor rainy, and the old back was coming along, so we drove to what I call the bridge trail for a walk. It is really the OVRT (Ottawa Valley Recreation Trail) and is the one that extends a long way north and south, well beyond our town. Otherwise, there is the local, brushy trail nearer home.

There were dogs. There always are. Most dog owners have the purpose to keep walking, so there may be a quick sniff and greeting before they pull their mutts along.

This guy and his pack weren't like that.

Two older, collie mixes and one younger golden doodle. All were delightful.

He was willing to stop for a long chat, and Sue and I got our share of petting and fur. Much fur. Sue had to toss those slacks into the laundry.

But we were cured of our cabin fever.


Marie Smith said...

We meet some of the same people all of the time on our boardwalk treks. Some we have come to know quite well!

That is a beautiful trail you have there! The pups are gorgeous and so enthusiastic!

Boud said...

You'd better like dogs if you meet this friendly pack.

Rosalea said...

Glad to know you are able to be out and about again.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

What a lovely dog family.

God bless you and yours.

Barbara Rogers said...

Ah yes, the fur that flies! Glad you had a dog visit, as well as felt like getting out!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Awww precious pups but I shudder to think of the hair in that man's house! I cannot keep up with only Rizzo, especially this time of year. CUTE picture though, and I'm glad your back is back, hahaha xoxo

Debby said...

That is a happy pack there!

Vicki Lane said...

Great looking dogs!

Jeanie said...

I love collies and used to have one -- but you are spot on about the fur! Worse than a cat!

Margaret said...

Those are gorgeous dogs and look so friendly!

Granny Sue said...

That's wonderful. Nothing like meeting up with well-behaved, friendly dogs. Or humans, come to think of it.

Jenny Woolf said...

THat looks like a nice place! and beautiful dogs. Sorry you have been ill and glad you have broken free now !

RedPat said...

When you walk a dog you get to meet so many people. I made lots of friends that way when we had dogs.

PipeTobacco said...

Hmm. Interesting. I will try again as my post from this morning appears to have been lost:

The dogs look very cute! I am especially partial to the curly (golden doodle), though as to me the curly haired dogs always seem more “jovial and fun”. My wheaton is similarly curly.


PipeTobacco said...

Oh, and regarding your going into the wrong house situation….. at least twice I have gotten into the wrong car or truck when in a big parking lot. One was a truck just like mine and when I got in I was saying to myself. “Why the hell is the seat so far forward?!?”. One time it was a vehicle that looked like my wife’s vehicle.


roentare said...

That dog gang is almighty

peppylady (Dora) said...

Looks like a happy gang.

Joanne Noragon said...

Nice walk. Lovely dogs.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Obviously, you were both glad to be able to get out for a walk after being indoors for those various reasons.

DJan said...

I'll bet it was worth the washing machine use to pet those fur babies. :-)

gigi-hawaii said...

Sounds like a very pleasant outing. Good for you!

Barwitzki said...

Beautiful encounters are always very valuable and welcome and a leisurely walk is simply a relief.
All the best for your back...terrible when it causes stress. Only moderate exercise helps me.
Hug for you