Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Thunderin Tarnation

How're y'all doin?

On 9AM, June 11, it's 9 degrees out (48F). I am at the computer wearing a thick sweater (me, not the computer).

It's mid-June folks, only ten days from the solstice.

What is thundering tarnation is going on?

The last few nights, I have turned my electric blanket on.

So, I ask again. How're y'all doin?


  1. Checking in from North Carolina. My body doesn't regulate temperature too well, so I set a thermostat to hopefully do so. Thaat meant last night the heat was on in the bedroom! Just in the 50s outside. At times I've shrugged on a thick sweater too!

  2. It's chilly here too. We're dressing more like early spring than summer. But we're headed to Switzerland soon and the temps there are not much different than here and in the higher elevations even colder.

  3. The wind here is cold. The thermometer says 17 this morning but it is a coat day. This too will pass…we hope.

  4. Haven't worn a jacket or anything with sleeves for probably a month. Air conditioner is currently off but will most likely run before noon.

  5. I am sitting in my winter jammies. I watched the temperature drop five degrees last night while I was typing a blog post. Tim reminds me that it will be getting very hot here in the next few days.

    Whatever happened to happy mediums I ask you?


  6. In the seventies today. Nineties later in the week. Maybe we dodged that cold wave.

  7. Same as you. Sweatshirts, even fleece, taking a heating beanbag to bed and using a comforter AND quilt. And wondering what the heck is going on!

  8. I wear a winter robe in the mornings the last few days. I'm ok with that. we've has so much rain that the humidity soars when it is warm. I'm pleased it's and not the computer in a thick sweater.

  9. We are sweltering as per usual for June. As they say in New Orleans, it ain't the heat, it's the stupidity. Stay cozy! xoxo

  10. Freezing my fingers here, typing. Brrr. I have to forage out and feed all the birds, and am contemplating wool socks. JG went off to a medical appointment in his winter jacket. Global warming anyone?
    The YD is hiking in Slovenia and her weather is much like ours today. I note the comment for New Orleans (?) from Jenny. Sigh.

  11. It is cold. We had 46 degrees (~8 C) when I ran in sweat pants this morning.

  12. That is indeed chilly. It's about 70 here although it's supposed to rain.

  13. I think it's been warmer up here in Alaska! We saw 70 the other day!

  14. I posted! I vanished?

  15. I'd need serious coverage, lol. It's going to be 97 here today, thankfully not multiple days of it!

  16. Used the duvet last night! Crazy indeed.

  17. Supposed to be 80 here in E Washington but also windy and there fore also a day and night of blowing dust. Condo shut up tight but it holds the cool inside well.

  18. Good gosh! 48 in JUNE? That's incredible.
    My thermometer here in Hawaii says 80 degrees. I hope we get the trade winds today.

  19. Oops! I just realized I've been commenting with a wrong account. It's me, Kay of Musings. :-)

  20. It's cool here, in the low sixties, just the way I like it. Cool breeze makes it feel colder, but I'll take this any time over heat waves. :-)

  21. Lit the stove yesterday AM, and kept it at a low murmur all day. It felt so good to come into a warm house. Tempted to do the same today, but knew we wouldn't be here to enjoy it, as we were headed out to restock the larder.

  22. Cold and depressed!

  23. Delightfully cool here in the NC mountains--though it's not going to last.

  24. Here in NE Ohio, just across Lake Erie from you, it has been in the sixties for several days. Not to worry, nineties forecast for week's end. I'll send some up.

  25. Cool here, 51 this morning! Had a sweatshirt on for a while. But supposed to be 93f this weekend! Ugh.

  26. Summer is not like summer. Winter is not really winter.

  27. It's not much different in Western Canada, but I am so grateful for this Spring's lack of wildfires and smoke.

    I really do think your computer should wear a sweater too. A new photography subject perhaps?

  28. Another chilly start to the morning (Wed). Thankfully the two cats sleep with us & they can be little individual furnaces ... that & a sweatshirt to stave off the morning chill. :)

  29. We had some chilly temps when we were in Canada a couple of weeks ago, but the temps here in Nashua, NH, have been pleasant…but hitter weather is predicted in a couple of days.
