Saturday, June 08, 2024

Caturday 63: The Wafting Puss

More than 5 years with us, Lacey has yet to do the habitual feline vomiting of a hairball. Not once have we been forced awake at night to that acking sound. There has been no jumping out of bed to grab a bit of newspaper to place under the wretched retching cat. And not making it in time.

I can't complain about that, but as I have mentioned before, she continually (or continuously?) wafts her fur. I bend down to pet her, and the fur is ready to fly off, go everywhere and get into everything.

Today, I present photographic evidence, for the camera doesn't lie. At least not in this case.

You can see it in the window light, can't you? The fur highlighted by the light is ready to depart her body and waft to the utmost reaches of the premises.

At least there is none of this ↓


Sandra said...

HA! I have one who does vomit, but I don't see it happen, so I don't know who it is. Gatto is a hair ball. So, I feel your pain.

Marie Smith said...

Lacey leaves it flying around the house instead.

Karen said...

With two cats and a dog, our decor is very hairy. The long hair cat frequently horks up furballs, and how about the Lumps she pulls out of her hairy back end to leave in the kitchen almost every morning...
These animals drive me CRAZY but I sill love them.

Blondi Blathers said...

Can't say as I'm sorry to have no pets in the house anymore. There's still hair or fuzz along the hallway baseboard though, so I can no longer blame it on Duckie Doodle.
Whom I do long for upon occasion, and imagine holding close.

Granny Sue said...

Ewww, yuck. One reason we don't have house pets, lol. Our old boy, though, is beginning to think he's a house cat! He darts in regularly.

Margaret said...

Mari has it all: the wafting hair, the occasional vomiting, usually on the carpet and a few hairballs. (not many being a short haired kitty) You are fortunate!

RedPat said...

I have never had a cat that did hairballs since they have all had short hair. I can't think that it would be fun to clean up after.

Cloudia said...

Yes, always on the carpet when the bare floor is inches away. I got one of those gloves with the bumps on the palm and you can pet your cat and remove a lot of that fur. Good luck to you and thanks for your comment. Aloha!

The Furry Gnome said...

That one makes me glad we don't have a cat!

Boud said...

I've dealt with soooo much kitty throwing up, even running the length of the house to find a rug.

Jenn Jilks said...

That is interesting. Our pair don't throw up much. They are short-haired and don't have fur balls. We have had other cats we'd have to give goop to to get it through them.

Rosalea said...

We used to periodically put some butter on top of our cat's paws. They'd lick it off and it supposedly deterred hair balls.

roentare said...

The last cat meme is looking hilarious

Kay said...

Lacey does appear to be a very furry cat. I'm glad she hasn't gifted you with hairballs around the house.

Barbara Rogers said...

Oh Lacey lady, you need to learn how to brush yourself. I would imagine you gave up on grooming, due to the excess hair to just get inside, then barf like other cats with long hair. I'd imagine you're sitting there happily growing more fur as you purr.

Joanne Noragon said...

Mine also does not vomit. However, the hair is e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e.

Debby said...

Luckily, I don't have a puker. He's a shedder, but I like to brush him and luckily, he enjoys being brushed.

Debby said...

PS: perhaps it would help to think of it as kitty confetti. Paaaaaaarty!

peppylady (Dora) said...

We all toss our cookies.

Vicki Lane said...

There is a great little grooming tool called the Furminator that removes loose hair. One of our cats loves it. The other doesn't choose to be groomed, preferred to leave her hair all over.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh my goodness ... SAME. Only, my Sweetness DOES vomit hairballs. Sometimes even before COFFEE I have to clean that mess up! But it's always in her crate because she only does it during the night for some reason, and she sleeps in her huge cat condo that is like a big crate. Anyway, I guess for Lacey's fur letting go you could say either continually (which means frequently and regularly) or continuously (which means constantly with no stopping). Hahaha xoxo